Mobius C2 gone out of focus after a couple of uses


New Member
Nov 3, 2015
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United Kingdom

I bought a set of 4 cameras from Banggood about a month ago and have just got round to fitting some into a few cars. Now the 1 camera was working fine yesterday in my car but then when tested it in a friends car, it was totally out of focus. I tested it around the house and still could not get it to focus.

I checked the settings on the camera and made sure was same as another camera which we now installed into my friends car and is all working fine without any issues.

What could have caused the Mobius to go out of focus and what options do I have before contacting banggood about the one thats playing up?

Pretty much what it looks like is similar to this video:
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considering the lens has to be twisted to go out of focus...

some idiot must have done so :D

I would suggest twisting the lens to re focus, keeping the idiot away from it ..

And not mention bothering banggood with such triviality :D:D
Im trying to twist it with my hand right now and its not budging at all? So I dont think any one of my friends would have done so. I have contacted Banggood about it now too, to see what solution they will give in regards to an exchange because I honestly cannot see why it would have gone totally out of focus in space of 24hrs.

Will have a word with one of my mates tho lol
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Im trying to twist it with my hand right now and its not budging at all? So I dont think any one of my friends would have done so. I have contacted Banggood about it now too, to see what solution they will give in regards to an exchange because I honestly cannot see why it would have gone totally out of focus in space of 24hrs.

Will have a word with one of my mates tho lol

they come with the tool you need to undo the lock screw on the lens mount and you can refocus it yourself, you'll have that done and dusted well before you'd ever get a reply from Banggood, it takes a couple of minutes tops
Thanks to Banggood, contacted them on 29/12 and they have sent me a Brand new camera after showing them a video. Excellent customer service. Now to get this camera sorted lol
I'm having the same problem. I want to focus the lens for a specific purpose and it wont budge. It's stuck.
I'm having the same problem. I want to focus the lens for a specific purpose and it wont budge. It's stuck.
Assuming you unscrew the locking screw before attempting to refocus the lens :rolleyes:, the easiest way to make it move is to put the lens cap on. The rubber grips very well and it helps rotate the lens. Don't forget to mark the initial position with a permanent market!
Thanks for the tip on the lens cap, but still no budge. The grub screw is out.
Thanks for the tip on the lens cap, but still no budge. The grub screw is out.
Maybe you're not applying enough force. There's a thread here somewhere where a female member was having a similar problem because she wasn't using the amount of force needed to move it. When she finally managed to get the thing to move she said that one has to be almost a body builder to adjust the lens on a Mobius. :D
I'm having the same problem. I want to focus the lens for a specific purpose and it wont budge. It's stuck.

Last year around April a number of members including me, ran into a problem with difficulty focusing the C (and C2) Mobius lens. The lens can be VERY tight within the threads. It even can feel as if the threads are stripped. The problem was traced to issues with the FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) threaded lens module, not the lens itself.

I came up with a method of forcing the lens to turn by modifying a standard pair of pliers with a rubber insert I happened to have on hand from a bicycle handlebar camera mount. It shouldn't be too hard for anyone to come up with a similar solution. If you do try this, just remember to be CAREFUL & GENTLE.

My original post from last April about this can be found HERE, where you will find more details.

There was also another thread on this issue last year titled "Module C2 'impossible to unscrew the lens by hand' ".


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That's an awesome reply! I've managed to move it. What I didn't realise is that the lens has to be in the housing at the same time. I housed the lenes after removing the grub screw, and using the lens cover the lens twister appropriately.

Thanks guys
What I didn't realise is that the lens has to be in the housing at the same time. I housed the lenes after removing the grub screw, and using the lens cover the lens twister appropriately.
Well I, for one, assumed from the start that you were trying to twist the lens with the lens module inside the housing. :rolleyes: Now we know why you were having such a hard time twisting it! :D
The lens doesn't really need to be in the housing to get it to turn. I prefer to have a good grip on the module itself with the thumb and forefinger of my left hand while twisting the lens for focus with my right hand. The reason for this is so you have immediate access to the grub screw for re-securing the lens in place, thereby avoiding any risk of knocking the lens back out of focus during the process of having to re-open the housing after twisting for focus.

I guess people should do whatever works best for themselves, learned by trial and error.
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