Mobius Cam Question


New Member
Apr 3, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi all. I'd like to start by saying for the price of the Mobius, it is an amazing camera. So good in fact that I bought a second to be used as dash cams (one for the front and one for the rear). After a tricky start with the rear cam, they are both up and running fine and doing their job superbly.

However, with the advent of firmware v 1.13+, the idea of motion detection really interests me. It would be fantastic to have the car in standby mode and and record anyone or anything for example, bump in to my car and drive away.

I can't for the life in me, figure out the ideal settings for what I would like to happen. For that matter, I do not even know if it is possible. My car shuts all all electrics when the ignition is off so there is no means of powering the camera until the ignition is switched back on.

I would like however, for the camera to remain in a constant standby motion detection mode, recording whenever there is movement. As I drive the car, this would charge the battery and record (due to the motion). Park the car up, and let the camera sit in a standby mode and record when motion is detected. The likely time it will sit before being charged again via the ignition is up to eights hours at work and twelve hours at home. There is likely to be very little recording during this time so hopefully, there would not be a strain on the battery. Is it possible to configure this at all? Would the battery last anywhere near that time?

Best wishes,

Thanks for the reply.

Oh dear, I thought it would be considerably longer as it is just sitting there waiting! Looks like I will have scrap that idea then and stick with my old setup (start recording on ignition and automatically switch with ignition cut off).
I use an Anker Astro E4 13000mAh external battery to power my Mobius in loop-record mode, when left parked unattended.

I don't know what the current consumption is in motion detect mode, however, from my recollection of what @Isoprop has said, I don't think it's much different from loop-record mode.
I use an Anker Astro E4 13000mAh external battery to power my Mobius in loop-record mode, when left parked unattended.

I don't know what the current consumption is in motion detect mode, however, from my recollection of what @Isoprop has said, I don't think it's much different from loop-record mode.

So the consumption is the same regardless of if the camera is filming or in stanby whilst on MD mode?
So the consumption is the same regardless of if the camera is filming or in stanby whilst on MD mode?
More or less - give or take a few minutes. Remember the camera is ON all the time monitoring what it 'sees'. The camera will use a little less power because it doesn't need to write to the card while it's waiting for something to happen.
Hmm i maybe tempted to trial mine on MD mode.

Would the camera still get hot in MD mode when on stanby?
Hmm i maybe tempted to trial mine on MD mode.

Would the camera still get hot in MD mode when on stanby?
Not really, no.

I have found the best setting for MD in a parked situation is low sensitivity (less/no false triggers) and 15 seconds timeout. @Grimm and others have noticed the sensitivity needs to be higher at night and in low light situations. I would also say an hour is about right on the internal battery.

If it's a set and forget MD all the time then Medium sensitivity and 30 seconds timeout. With less, the Mobius stops recording while in traffic of a long red light.

I think we are all hoping for an button press setting to turn on MD rather tan having to set it and use all the time.