Mobius File Lock


Active Member
Sep 6, 2015
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United States
Dash Cam
I didn't see anything in the threads, if I simply missed it I'll apologize now.

My understanding is to lock a file on the Mobius you quick press the shutter button (that seems to be how the manual reads.) I've tested it a few times and when I go to look at the files none of the files appear to have any sort of marker showing them as locked.

Is it a setting I need to change in mSetup? Am I just pressing the wrong button? Not long enough?
From the Manual...

File Protection (write protect) while recording. The current clip can be Write Protected by briefly pressing (max. 1 second) the Mode button while the camera is recording. This will set the file's read-only attribute which will prevent the current recording from being deleted. Note that formatting the card will delete all the files, including the protected files with the read-attribute set.

Depending on the length of the current recording, the previous or the following clip may also be automatically locked.

If the current recording file is less than 1 minute, both the previous file and the current file will be locked.

If the current recording file will be closed in less than 1 minute, both the current file and the following file will be locked.

If the current file has been recording for over 1 minute but will only be closed after at least another 1 minute of recording, only the current file will be locked.
Doh. Clearly I can't read. Swear it said Shutter. I even read it a couple times, but perhaps was just reading the wrong area.

While we are on it, is the only way to delete a protected file to format the SD card?
Huh. Now I understand my confusion. I simply thought Shutter, I had been pressing the M button all along - M for Middle is how I remembered. I'll try it a few more times and see what happens.
IIRC, you can delete locked files manually one at a time but don't quote me on that. I just hit format because it's easier. I'm a lazy sort at times :D

I believe you have to change the attribute from read only before you delete or rather try to delete the file.
I've tried several more times to press the M button to lock a file. Does the file look different when you go to view them if it has been locked? I've just been viewing them in File Explorer and they all look the same. I then select all the files and am able to delete them with no problem.
I'm on a Mac, but here's what I see for locked files. The file name doesn't indicate a locked file, but the file symbol shows a small padlock to indicate locked. In Finder (File Explorer) the file attribute shows as locked. A locked file can be deleted like any other file, although the Mac makes me acknowledge that I want to delete a locked file before proceeding. My other camera, a DR32, actually indicates a locked file in the file name, very convenient.
None of the symbols I see have a lock. It's just the stock windows video player symbol. I'll try to lock a file just before I get home and see.
On windows if you look @ properties it will say read only = lock

uncheck that or delete it so you don't have to format the whole thing.
Extremely annoying if I had to do that with my 64gb as it needs a special file formater for fat32 when greater than 32gb
I did notice that, I just wanted a symbol to show me which file it was so I could pick it out quick. I found out the registratorviewer will tell me which files are locked by show of key next to the file. However it shows me files in one lump sum; from power on to power off. It does make it easier to go back and see which clip I want, but I just rather see them in their 3 minute clips.
I did notice that, I just wanted a symbol to show me which file it was so I could pick it out quick. I found out the registratorviewer will tell me which files are locked by show of key next to the file. However it shows me files in one lump sum; from power on to power off. It does make it easier to go back and see which clip I want, but I just rather see them in their 3 minute clips.

you can expand all in Registrator Viewer to easily find the files you want
I'll give that a go. I haven't messed around with it much, I like the fade out my Movie Moments program does. d: