Mobius is not recognized

The IC in question doesn't have any pins. All the contacts are on the underside of the IC. You will need SMD soldering experience and equipment if want to bypass the IC. It's a fairly easy job if you have the experience and tools but all but impossible if you don't. Have you looked at the IC on the board to see how small it is?
All the same, I don't understand why anyone would want to bypass the USB switch, unless it's defective. If you want to permanently enable video-out thru the USB port then all you need to do is short USB terminals 4 and 5. You can do this easily at the USB socket even if you only have basic soldering skills and a steady hand.
Im sorry if I haven't explained the whole details of my problem. My mobius' recording & charging still works but its no longer recognized when I attached it to the computer & even on the android app, no live video out as well. I also tried different cables. I thought maybe the the mini usb port is the problem, using a multimeter, I can confirm that every pin on the usb port is connected, but it seems that pin 3(audio) & 5(ground) is shorted which Im not sure if there should be. There's no visible burn marks on my 7222 IC. My only suspicions that may have caused this problem is either my light crash on my mini quad or when I accidentally interchanged the yellow & black wire on my fpv monitor going to the mobius.

What I want to solve now is to able to use my mobius for recording & live video out (for fpv). If its possible to do it by permanently shorting some contacts where 7222 is placed. With reference from this datasheet:, I think PIN 2(video) from the mini-usb port is connected to PIN 5 of 7222 IC (theres a connectivity using a multimeter tester), and right now there doesnt seem to have a connectivity thru either PIN 7 & 6 & PIN 5 of the 7222 IC.

Im now thinking of connecting my mobius to a monitor and shorting pin 7 or 6 to pin 5 of the IC using needles to see if there would be a video but need to know if Im on the right path. Sorry for my english... TIA
I become inpatient and cant wait for your inputs ... Shorting the pins 5 & 7 of 7222 ic brought back the live video out :D :D :D

Now comes the hard part: soldering those 2 pins together