

New Member
May 8, 2015
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United States
A new dashcam user. Been scouring the threads but havent yet found the subject of modes.

Can you hot-swap from mode 1 to mode 2? Camera running/recording, can I switch from M1 to M2? As I read the instructions, pressing the mode button write protects the current scene file. How would I get to mode 2? In dashcam setup it is powered on record, so I am not normally using the power on or record buttons.

Also, if I do figure out how to swap to M2 what happens to the (5 min) scene? Will it continue in the 5 minute file or will it start a new file?

As far as I know you can't "hot-swap".

The method I use is
1. Press the shutter button to stop recording
2. Press the mode button to change modes
3. Press the shutter button to start recording again.

The current file will be saved and a new file will be created for the change of modes.
Thank you.

Also, not covered in the manual, as it toggles through M1/M2/P, whats happens on power off? If you are in M2 will it power up in M2 next time or does it always default to M1 first?
Power off, nothing happens. Power on, whether button or external connection, depends how you set it in GUI. Mine's set to start recording in mode 1 and will always start in Mode 1
Thank you.

Also, not covered in the manual, as it toggles through M1/M2/P, whats happens on power off? If you are in M2 will it power up in M2 next time or does it always default to M1 first?
The manual was designed to cover the functionality of the Mobius in general. It is not the aim of the manual to describe every single function or parameter. If every single function or parameter was described in detail, the manual would be so complex that it would not be easy to understand. Keep in mind that the Mobius performs differently depending on what firmware is installed. The manual is kept updated but always refers to the latest firmware version, as is stated in the Description.
Windows users are encouraged to always use mSetup which has tool tips describing each parameter, some more detailed than others. The text in the tool tip can vary depending on what firmware version is installed. Mac users should use the Mac GUI and the Android app is perfect for mobile users.
As @Bungus has posted, you can set the Power On Default parameter to which recording mode you want the camera to start.
Also, not covered in the manual, as it toggles through M1/M2/P, whats happens on power off? If you are in M2 will it power up in M2 next time or does it always default to M1 first?

You general, a very simple method for discovering the answer to questions like this is to try it and see what happens. ;)
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