Most suitable Dash camera for Fleet Vehicles


New Member
Mar 30, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi there, we are currently doing some research on some different Vehicle camera options for fleet vehicles. The fleet comprises of Light goods vehicles. We've had a few quotes on several different options. The main thing we wanted to know whether it was worth having four cameras on the vehicle or just the one or two.

Welcome to DCT @JamesP93 :)

Your cam coverage areas are related to your purpose. If your only goal is to be able to prove your driver did no wrong, then one front cam will do that. showing lane position, speed (with GPS), and movements plus showing what was ahead. If you're looking to protect the vehicle against insurance scams and bad drivers, having a rear cam is a good idea plus it can show events leading up to an overtaking incident. Front and rear coverage will deal with probably 95% of your driving protection needs. Side cams are more useful for parking protection where front and rear cams may not ever show the culprit.

What we discuss mostly here on DCT are consumer-type cams where anti-tampering isn't a consideration, although there is one 3-channel cam with that feature. It has a 'cabin cam' as well as front and rear. There are several "rideshare' cams with front and cabin coverage, and a few systems with small remote cam modules with the main processor box being stashed away. No 4-channel; cams in our part of the dashcam world y6et but one or more are in development.

Not much to say about the commercial systems, most of which have lower resolution and lesser vid quality than most of us here want. Plus those are costly compared to what we generally use so we hear little of them.

So what are you seeking to accomplish with these cam systems? With that answer maybe we can give you some specific recommendations.

Hi there, we are currently doing some research on some different Vehicle camera options for fleet vehicles. The fleet comprises of Light goods vehicles. We've had a few quotes on several different options. The main thing we wanted to know whether it was worth having four cameras on the vehicle or just the one or two.


By coincidence, over in another thread we've been discussing an interesting novel file format which led to my discovering a new fleet camera vendor I'd never heard of before earlier today. Don't know much about them or the costs but you might have a look.

Personally, I'm a big fan of four cameras with overlapping FOV coverage but that's in a personal set-up in my own truck so it wouldn't particularly apply to commercial fleet vehicles. Depending upon what the fleet does actually (such as deliveries) I can see where having full 360º coverage could be a distinct advantage.

Don't know what sort of budget you have to work with but the Axis F series has always interested me as a flexible multi-cam commercial camera system. I know they are not cheap but might be worth looking into. The are not a dedicated fleet cam but can be deployed for that purpose.

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