Motorcycle Vs Car, equal to?

That was very, very difficult to see. I do believe someone just died in that accident. Only good thing about it was the camera operator didnt keep filming the accident.
Some details:
The car was just coming out of the same dirt parking the bikes were parked at.
Both car passengers are ok, the driver is a woman.
Biker died at the hospital, he was 27, a riding instructor, the camerawoman is his girlfriend.
That's all I know.

Posted 2 days ago By I_overslept (40.60) Jerusalem, Israel

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It happend in israel, the car driver was in the wrong side, he drove in the middle of the road.
They don't call them donorcycles for nothing. Why were they all parked on the side of the road like that if there was a parking lot back there? Seems to me that the car pulled out and was trying to avoid all the people and bikes on the right. From the photos, that is a very narrow stretch of road.
I read the car was leaving the carpark, it's right near the corner, I suspect they've pulled out with nothing in sight and the guy has come around the corner way too fast and no time for them to get out of the way, the guy on the bike was going way too quick to correct also, his girlfriend was filming to capture him racing through the corner (so the story goes) the crowd of onlookers was perhaps incentive for him to be going as quick as he was, as he comes around the corner he's looking at the crowd and looks up when it's already too late