mSetup won't recognise either of my two Mobius cams on Windows 10 computers


Apr 9, 2014
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius & Panorama II S
mSetup won't recognise either of my two Mobius cams.
Both cameras have the capacitor rather than the battery.
I am using two cables both with data enabled. mSetup updated itself to version
I've tried it with an SD card in and without.
The PC can see the contents of the SD card.


Please help!
sd card has to be in..

2.41 is latest...
sd card has to be in..

2.41 is latest...
Thank you. The cards are in both Mobiuses and they still aren't recognised (I'm trying them one at a time).
They are Kingston 32gb cards which record fine.
I can't recall what version of the firmware the Mobiuses are running and I can't check because they are not recognised by mSetup.
I'm running Windows 10, by the way.
I also tried to run SDFormatter to format the SD cards, but SDFormatter doesn't recognise any drives, so I'm assuming it's incompatible with Windows 10.
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Update. I tried running mSetup on a second Windows 10 computer and had exactly the same problem.
Then tried it on a Windows 8 computer and it worked perfectly on both cameras.
So my conclusion is that mSetup is not compatible with Windows 10.
Thanks for the update @Spinball. Hopefully, they will have a workaround for this.

I don't have my Win10 setup right now but for the meantime, try if you can run it through compatibility mode. Right-click on the mSetup icon and choose "Troubleshoot compatibility", choose "Recommended Settings" and it should try to run the software in Windows 7 setup.

Here's a short instruction that you can also follow:
it works under Win10, did you have a memory card in the camera?
Yes and the cards (in both cameras) were recognised by windows explorer and I could view the videos which had been recorded.
It doesn't work under Windows 10 here on either of the two machines I tested it on. And one of them, this computer, is my main work machine which I use every day.

I used to be a developer so I know full well that it's rarely as simple as 'it works' or 'it doesn't work' and Microsoft PC architecture is a nightmare because of all the variables.
I'm reporting my findings. The second PC belongs to my daughter who has completely different software installed. The only installed items we have in common are Windows (and its suite of software like MS Edge), Avast, Chrome and Firefox. It could be Avast, but then that's also installed on the Windows 8 machine which works. So it could just be Avast under windows 10. But my money is on Windows 10.
I'd put my money on it being something other than Win10, another program perhaps, try turning avast off and see if any change
I'm running Windows 10 and have recently (in the last few weeks) updated the Firmware on both cams. I'm also running Kingston 32GB cards - you're certain you got legit cards? and using the supplied cable that came with the cams. I've not experienced any issues with it being recognized.
I'm running Windows 10 and have recently (in the last few weeks) updated the Firmware on both cams. I'm also running Kingston 32GB cards - you're certain you got legit cards? and using the supplied cable that came with the cams. I've not experienced any issues with it being recognized.
Certain. The cards have worked perfectly since I got the cameras in (earlyish) 2014. The cable I use also connects a multi-card USB hub fine.
And the same cable and cards worked perfectly in the Windows 8 machine.

I also tried mSetup using the compatibility mode and that didn't make any difference either.
are you connecting direct to the computer or via a hub?
Direct, but I did also try via a hub as well for the purposes of testing. It made no difference either way.
I'm sure you've tried, but on the computer that does see them did you try formatting the cards and updating the firmware? There have also been a couple updates to the mSetup I believe in the last 6 months - don't remember when, but I feel like since I got my cams middle of this year it's udpated.
I have no problems using it with Windows 10 as a VM on my Mac
Just updated the mobius program and mobius firmware on windows 10 without a single problem.
Format the card using the cameras built in function. The instructions are in the manual included with msetup. Do not format the card with the computer.