MyNextbasePlayer Bug Report


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
2 x Viofo A119 V3
When playing Nextbase footage through the new player (v 4.1.0) the blue arrow that shows where you are on the map is leaping ahead and finishing the red line way before you are actually there.

I've tried it with various dashcams and it's across the board.
Hi @Kremmen

Its not a bug - the new range GPS refreshes at 10Hz, the older range (and any other dash cams you're trying probably) refresh at 5Hz that is why they are finishing sooner.

If footage from the new 2 series range is used it will play the image and finish at the same time as the map.
I was gonna say that, lol... ;)

I tried old footage from my 402, 412 and 380 and they all did it. Now I know why.

Fortunately I didn't uninstall the previous version.

I tried old footage from my 402, 412 and 380 and they all did it. Now I know why.

Fortunately I didn't uninstall the previous version.
that'll cause a bunch of support tickets from users of existing models if they download the new player
that'll cause a bunch of support tickets from users of existing models if they download the new player

Series 1 software is called CamViewer so nobody should make the mistake - the MyNextbase Player is only on the Series 2 page.
CamViewer does play others yes.

Is this the first (and only) player that uses 10Hz?
I'm not saying it won't happen but the majority of customers will click on their model and not worry about the others.
I noted that the old player was version 3.10.0 and the new player was 4.1.0 so assumed it was a newer improved player for all models.

That is the case for the defence m'lud :D
Maybe I'm naive but shouldn't the embedded gps data in the video include some metadata such as the frequency? If it did, then having a single player which supported multiple gps refresh rates should be possible.

Maybe I'm naive but shouldn't the embedded gps data in the video include some metadata such as the frequency? If it did, then having a single player which supported multiple gps refresh rates should be possible.

of course it's possible