Near head on collision

GTA Driver

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Greater Toronto Area
Dash Cam
Iroad 3300CH, G1W-c, Mobius C, A119 v1 & v3, A118-c2
On my way to drop off my wife at the GO train station and a mini Van going in the opposing direction enters my lane.

Fortunately there wasn't another vehicle to my right side. Looking at the video, seems other cars are having problems staying in their lanes.

I think it was @dash riposki that says something to the effect of it about hitting ones head with a hammer as opposed to swerving into another lane. I swerved in this case
Looks like they were following the old lane markings instead of the new yellow line.

Construction re-markings can be quite a problem. The wet road didn't seem to help the markings much either.
Construction re-markings can be quite a problem. The wet road didn't seem to help the markings much either.

I have to watch more carefully than before as my aging eyes make this distinction harder to see in the rain in certain lighting conditions.

Coming from the South on the same road, I noticed the lines were hardly visible and hence why I included that clip. At the 37 second mark, you will notice the vehicle in front of me makes a left lane change without signals and then right with signals. Typical Toronto driver with selectively using his or her signals or confusion over the lines? When I was working on the video project including a cropped shot of that , but then decided against as the video was pretty lengthy.

Familiarity with how the road is without construction could also be an issue but, its possible this is an out of province minivan which came close to hitting me at it was missing a front plate which is mandatory in Ontario.

This video was made entirely with ffmpeg from two clips from my A119 and a screen shot of a google map. I used VLC to capture some stills from the clip when I going Southbound.

set dir=Nearheadon
md %dir%

set input=2020_0729_071652_981.MP4
ffmpeg -y -i %input% -ss 00:00:10.00 -to 00:00:37.99 -an -c copy -copyts %dir%/1.mp4

    rem below line slows down
set filter= -filter:v "setpts=4.0*PTS"  

    rem line below would speed up
rem set filter= -filter:v "setpts=.50*PTS"  

ffmpeg -y -i %input% -ss 00:00:20.50 -to 00:00:23.95 -an  -c copy -copyts %dir%/tmp.3.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i %dir%/tmp.3.mp4 -an %filter%  %dir%/3.%input%

ffmpeg -y -i %input% -ss 00:00:31.00 -to 00:00:38.00 -an -c copy -copyts %dir%/tmp.4.mp4
    rem filter below crops a section
set filter= -filter:v "crop=1051:588:430:450" -c:a copy  
ffmpeg -y -i %dir%/tmp.4.mp4 %filter%  %dir%/tmp.tmp.4.mp4

set font=-vf drawtext="fontfile=c:/windows/fonts/Arial .ttf:
set text=text='Seems other vehicles are having problems following the lines  and staying in their lanes':
set xy=x=1: y=540:
set sizeClr=fontsize=22: fontcolor=black@0.9: box=1: boxcolor=white@0.9" -acodec copy

set out=%dir%/4.mp4

ffmpeg -y -i  %dir%/tmp.tmp.4.mp4 %font% %text% %xy% %sizeClr% %out%

set input=2020_0729_072553_990.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i %input% -ss 00:00:07.00 -to 00:00:17.00  -c copy -copyts %dir%/tmp.2a.mp4

ffmpeg -y -i %input% -ss 00:00:17.04 -to 00:00:33.04  -c copy -copyts %dir%/2b.mp4

set font=-vf drawtext="fontfile=c:/windows/fonts/Arial .ttf:
set text=text='Coming from the opposite direction  (North bound this time)':
set xy=x=30: y=1150:
set sizeClr=fontsize=75: fontcolor=black@0.9: box=1: boxcolor=white@0.9" -acodec copy

ffmpeg -y -i %dir%/tmp.2a.mp4  %font% %text% %xy% %sizeClr% %dir%/2a.mp4

del %dir%\tmp.*

rem convert still images to videos
set input=6map-2.png
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 7 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/%input%.mp4

set input=vlcsnap-2020-07-30-04h40m11s117.png  
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/vlc1.mp4

set input=vlcsnap-2020-07-30-04h40m19s760.png
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/vlc2.mp4

set input=vlcsnap-2020-07-30-04h40m33s148.png  
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/vlc3.mp4

set input=vlcsnap-2020-07-30-04h40m40s965.png
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/vlc4.mp4

set input=vlcsnap-2020-07-30-04h40m50s207.png  
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/vlc5.mp4

cd %dir%

rem convert all mp4 files  to webm  using an encoding suitable for youtube
set ffm=ffmpeg -y -i
set filter= -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 32 -b:v 0 -threads 2 -quality good -speed 1 -c:a libvorbis
for %%i in (*.mp4) do  %ffm% %%i %filter%  tmp.%%i.webm

rem merge all temp webm files to one file
set target=nearHeadon.webm
del  %target%
(for %%i in (*.webm) do @echo file '%%i') > mylist.txt  
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy %target%

rem remove all temp files
del tmp.* *.mp4 mylist.txt
I have to watch more carefully than before as my aging eyes make this distinction harder to see in the rain in certain lighting conditions.

I totally get that, now that my age is getting up there. When I was younger, I didn't understand what my parents complained about.
Another incident because of construction on a bridge. This time a near side swipe and perhaps a distracted driver. Driver may have expected the road to continue going straight

Batch file to create the above
set projectName=nearSideSwip
set dir=%projectName%
md %dir%

mkdir %dir% 

set input=2020_1213_125700_268.MP4
FFmpeg  -y  -i %input% -ss 00:00:50.0 -to 00:00:59.999 -c copy -copyts %dir%\tmp.01.MP4

set font=-vf drawtext="fontfile=/windows/fonts/tahoma.ttf:
set text=text='Audio removed due to conversation':
set xy=x=30: y=1150:
set sizeClr=fontsize=85: fontcolor=black@0.9: box=1: boxcolor=white@0.9" -acodec copy
ffmpeg -y -i %dir%/tmp.01.MP4 -an  %font%  %text%  %xy%  %sizeClr% %dir%\01.mp4
del %dir%\tmp.*

set input=2020_1213_125800_269.MP4
FFmpeg  -y  -i %input% -ss 00:00:00.0 -to 00:00:34.0 -c copy -copyts %dir%\02.MP4

cd %dir%

rem convert all mp4 files  to webm  using an encoding suitable for youtube
set ffm=ffmpeg -y -i
set filter= -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 32 -b:v 0 -threads 2 -quality good -speed 1 -c:a libvorbis
for %%i in (*.mp4) do  %ffm% %%i %filter%  tmp.%%i.webm

rem merge all temp webm files to one file
set target=%projectName%.webm
del  %target%
(for %%i in (*.webm) do @echo file '%%i') > mylist.txt  
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy %target%

rem remove all temp files
del tmp.* *.mp4 mylist.txt

cd ..