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Active Member
Oct 9, 2013
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Hudson Valley
United States
Hi all,
My name is Tim from "downstate NY, USA". As recommended by this site I purchased a DVR HD 207. I hope to contribute some "moments" that occur on mile 550 plus miles driven every week.
On my first day "test driving" at night Bambie attepted suicide. See here.
Windows Movie Maker freezes while playing avi files from the card. I still can't get a smooth play, anyway it froze right with the deer in front, so I left it that way. It kinda worked out.

The next night we come across what I call the "Laneblocker". Read the description.

The “Laneblocker”
Day 2 with a dashcam and we come across the "Laneblocker". Notice them up ahead in the left lane pacing along side someone in the right lane both doing 55. I have the cruise on 64. As faster traffic approaches, they still don't move. Then, we come to emergency vehicles and they block the guy on the right from moving over(NYS law/notice the tow truck driver in the traffic lane). Now there is "road rage" among us followers and the guy on my left decides to pull an asshole move and pass everyone by using the on/off ramp. Laneblocker then gets the brights from me and finally realizes what's going on! He gets the Dashcam Douche Award of the day!
Just part of my daily commute, ENJOY!
Both of them are idiots. I am always aware of my surroundings. I guess some people were never taught that.
Windows Movie Maker freezes while playing avi files from the card. I still can't get a smooth play, anyway it froze right with the deer in front, so I left it that way. It kinda worked out.

My .avi files freeze or stutter when played in Windows Media player but the .avi files work fine in the free Registrator Viewer This program also lets you load a series of clips and plays them sequentially. Others have posted here about the features of this program.
My .avi files freeze or stutter when played in Windows Media player but the .avi files work fine in the free Registrator Viewer This program also lets you load a series of clips and plays them sequentially. Others have posted here about the features of this program.

Can you edit with this tool. Everything plays well, but I could not find anything to chop with.

argh...the laneblockers.

The worst drivers are the ones that don't even know they're doing something wrong.