Newbie queryies - Msetup and FW for dash cam use

Rob J

Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
mini 0801/G1W-C/G1W-S/DP200/mobius v3 c2/A118C/Joovuu X

Mobius due for delivery tomorrow and I've been busy trawling the forum for hours:eek:

Got a couple of questions:

Can you use msetup to downgrade the FW or is msetup just for upgrades?

Read loads of threads about suggested FW for dashcam use and in particular night use. Seems a toss up between 0.59 and 2.25. Is there anything post 2.25 that's better?

Thanks in advance
some people seem to like 0.59 even though it has been proven that the more recent versions do better in low light
Read loads of threads about suggested FW for dashcam use and in particular night use. Seems a toss up between 0.59 and 2.25. Is there anything post 2.25 that's better?

I downgraded to v0.59 for a while. It was fine, however, I prefer the latest FW ... v2.41

Here's some screen grabs of my settings, in case they're useful to you when trying mSetup for the first time.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
I downgraded to v0.59 for a while. It was fine, however, I prefer the latest FW ... v2.41

Here's some screen grabs of my settings, in case they're useful to you when trying mSetup for the first time.

View attachment 17700 View attachment 17701 View attachment 17702 View attachment 17703

Boy could I ever use these :confused: Just trying to get set up & I'm lost :eek: even second guessing why I bought this in the first place !!
I think your screen shots would be very helpful to me (along with some other advice). But, for now, I can't read the screen shots
because I don't know how to enlarge them to a readable size - help greatly appreciated.
Boy could I ever use these :confused: Just trying to get set up & I'm lost :eek: even second guessing why I bought this in the first place !!
I think your screen shots would be very helpful to me (along with some other advice). But, for now, I can't read the screen shots
because I don't know how to enlarge them to a readable size - help greatly appreciated.

Perhaps disregard this reply above - after I posted the reply, I clicked on the view attachment in my reply & the screen shot was much more readable.
Sorry about the wasted space - I'll look at the screen shots & see if they help.....
Perhaps disregard this reply above - after I posted the reply, I clicked on the view attachment in my reply & the screen shot was much more readable.
Sorry about the wasted space - I'll look at the screen shots & see if they help.....

Roger, Trust me. I was like you when I first got my Mobius. Download the "msetup" to your computer (PC), Open it, connect Mobius via USB,Once Msetup sees your Mobius there'll be a select camera prompt, left click on it and do your configuration. On mouse over, tool tip will appear to guide you. Once you've done it you'll have a clearer picture. No worry about mistakes. You can do this as many times as you like.
This is assuming you've fully charged the unit.
Good luck.
At first it may seem overwhelming, but once you've worked with Msetup a few times it becomes easy enough. And once you find what you like, Msetup can save those settings for you in case you want to go back to them after 'playing around'. So play around with it and in time you'll love the adaptability of your Mobius to meet your specific needs- something few other cams offer you.

At first it may seem overwhelming, but once you've worked with Msetup a few times it becomes easy enough. And once you find what you like, Msetup can save those settings for you in case you want to go back to them after 'playing around'. So play around with it and in time you'll love the adaptability of your Mobius to meet your specific needs- something few other cams offer you.

Thanks to Bungus & Phil for the most recent encouragement.
I have no problem with working the Msetup on the computer...the "unknown" is what values to set.
And, I can appreciate that there is a certain amount of personal choice or preference involved.
I've been a bit busy of late & not much time available to get on with the Mobius - still not installed in either vehicle.
However, I did do a "bad" on Monday - I took the Mobius with me & hand-held it on my drive to gym.
The drive is about 20 minutes duration, combination of highway & city. I was very careful & attentive to my one handed driving.
I moved the Mobius around to different locations - close to the RVM, slightly below, slightly above the steering wheel etc. etc.
I just now got a chance to have a look at the video - aside from the shake due to the hand held & bad roads, it was pretty good.
I have got some windshield reflections & will have to deal with that. From what I saw on the videos, I've made some changes in
Msetup & will try it again tomorrow....perhaps by the weekend, I'll get a chance to install it even if only on a temporary basis as
I await the arrival of some accessories.
The default settings are good for most folks, the ones you might need to change are regards powering and how it handles file storage. Most of us use "loop" mode and 3-5 minute files; you may need a delayed start based on your car and wiring set-up, and you'll need instant shutdown if you mod with super-caps instead of a battery. You might also want motion-detect after power-down.

For the rest I recommend changing one setting at a time and comparing vids taken of the same route at the same time of day under the same cloud conditions. They will get you reall close. Once you've gone round with all the settings and optimized once, you can do it again in case the settings interacted slightly. After that you'll be getting the best the Mobius has to offer and for the money that's pretty darn good.

The default settings are good for most folks, the ones you might need to change are regards powering and how it handles file storage. Most of us use "loop" mode and 3-5 minute files; you may need a delayed start based on your car and wiring set-up, and you'll need instant shutdown if you mod with super-caps instead of a battery. You might also want motion-detect after power-down.

For the rest I recommend changing one setting at a time and comparing vids taken of the same route at the same time of day under the same cloud conditions. They will get you reall close. Once you've gone round with all the settings and optimized once, you can do it again in case the settings interacted slightly. After that you'll be getting the best the Mobius has to offer and for the money that's pretty darn good.

Solid advice. Once you have used it a couple of times, it becomes very easy to use. Nicely designed program.
For the rest I recommend changing one setting at a time and comparing vids taken of the same route at the same time of day under the same cloud conditions. They will get you reall close.
Thanks again Phil - you've got this figured out - and give great advice :)
Made some changes as you suggested & did a second run this am on same route. Liked the results more with FOV set to narrow which
is quite adequate for me e.g. when driving thru a residental area I can readily see all house on both sides of the street & everything in between.
At the same time, it took the "A" pillars out of the FOV however, the Mobius is still hand held at this time.
Review of the vids show the "black bars" on both side of the video. Have made a few more adjustments (e.g. WDR = on now) & will make a similar run in the am of tomorrow. Very impressed with the quality of this camera - actually it's quite amazing for such a "little black box" :cool::D