Next version of Mobius?

I have nothing bad to say about my B lens mobius, and i forgot to compare it to my friends mobius with the C lens whan i had it home with me to set it up for him.

I am a little perplexed why the lens on the M2 have not been moved to the middle of the housing, but its not a big problem in any way, just my brain that favor symetrical shapes.
There's certainly the feeling that the camera has been too long in development but I think fans of the Mobius were willing to be patient expecting a fairly polished though not necessarily mature firmware upon release. I'm not surprised by the negative reaction to what increasingly feels like a botched roll-out after all this time and the extreme secrecy is now leading to suspicion and certain misgivings rather than what previously was an air of intrigue and anticipation.

I fully expect that when the camera starts getting into the hands of waiting customers and the kind of ongoing and regular firmware refinement we all love about the Mobius begins to unfold, all will be forgiven.
The B lens cameras are excellent. The C lens was initially problematic and abandoned as we all know. Maybe having those 100 B lens cams wasn't such a bad thing after all? And the B lens and the C lens cameras were essentially two different products and for quite a period of time both were available. Still, I can appreciate that a retailer would expect to be apprised of a forthcoming product introduction and change of available specs.
Have been waiting for a fully developed Mobius 2 to arrive. Now that it's here (almost) I'm having some second thoughts. Biggest one is no webcam mode. How does one aim or focus it? Now we have a unit that's sold on development stage, other makes are looking better.:D
I have never felt a need for aiming my Lukas LK-7500 - mobius - innovv C3 or X cameras, i pretty much just line them up by eye.

Focussing without a screen is to a large degree trial and error, and pretty slow.

I am sure if that old guy in the unboxing video can change / play with lenses, so can i :D
Choose a new chipset, there is a chance, also there is a risk.
The big problem is there are so many camera support 1080P 60fps now, even better spec, only without H.265.
Hislicon also have a 4K chipset, maybe they will release a 4K version in future.
Yes and thats okay, i have many times been a erly adopter of new tech.
Some times its pretty smoothe, and some times you just run into a wall, and when you do that thinking "there shouldent be a wall here" then things get quite frustrating.

Some times its like some one put a lot of effort and money & time into a product, and then its just like it get abandoned allmost from the start.
This is why i prefer to do battle with a new untested new product instead of "just" doing reviews of products thats past that face in its life cycle.

For me so much more rewarding bringing a product to a stage where it can sell, instead of just selling the product, its the road to the goal that fascinate me.

Okay i don't have a deep profound knowledge of the tech that go into many consumer electronics, but i dont think thats needed allways, after all the product often goo into the hands of ppl knowing even less than i do and just want a product that work.
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Okay i don't have a deep profound knowledge of the tech that go into many consumer electronics, but i dont think thats needed allways, after all the product often goo into the hands of ppl knowing even less than i do and just want a product that work.

for the most part people don't care how it works, they just care that it works
The mobius 2 may not yet be suitable for dashcam use. That will depend on a new supercap being found and used.

'll jump in here since I've already tested using the original Mobius supercap.

The case is dead easy to open. Just like the Mobius, the M2 has 2 screws in almost the exact same location as the Mobius. However, unlike the Mobius where you remove the bottom part of the case, with the M2 you remove the top part of the case, i.e. the opposite side to the screws.

The original Mobius supercap does not have enough capacity to power the M2. The M2 needs a supercap with a higher capacitance rating. I don't know if the developer has already found a suitable component, but there's quite a bit more height available for the battery in the M2 than in the Mobius. The M2 battery is slightly wider (~2 mm) and longer (~1 mm) than the Mobius battery, but it is much thicker. 8.75 mm versus 6.60 mm for the Mobius battery.
I was all excited about the new M2 thing it's turned into the Donald Trump of dash cameras, what the hell is going on.
what would be a good alternative to M2 with similar specs and size weight with 60fps also with a similar price tag?
what would be a good alternative to M2 with similar specs and size weight with 60fps also with a similar price tag?

Our camera the JooVuu X, runcam 2, foxeer legend. Foxeer legend are coming out with a camera soon(ish) with 96fps but these cameras are more for Rc than car cameras and may not have auto record and loop recording.

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Our camera the JooVuu X, runcam 2, foxeer legend. Foxeer legend are coming out with a camera soon(ish) with 96fps but these cameras are more for Rc than car cameras and may not have auto record and loop recording.


Runcam 2 is not fit for dashcam use, by their own standards.
The new Mobius 2 may bethe biggest hoax ever..... even when released the product probably comes in behind all other serious contenders..... really sad.

The new Mobius 2 may bethe biggest hoax ever..... even when released the product probably comes in behind all other serious contenders..... really sad.

Why not wait until the camera is actually released so we may evaluate it before you start bad mouthing it?
Why not wait until the camera is actually released so we may evaluate it before you start bad mouthing it?

Didn't you see the "MAY BE"?

I'm just disappointed like many others to have to wait this long for a camera that MOST LIKELY already exists in another brand.....
Didn't you see the "MAY BE"?

I'm just disappointed like many others to have to wait this long for a camera that MOST LIKELY already exists in another brand.....

Your "qualifiers" aside, there is no way to arrive at such a conclusion at this point. You are just speculating, making assumptions and being gratuitously negative. The Mobius 2 choice of components is unique. Why trash something you know nothing about?
They were going to release last week and the day prior to the planned release Tom Frank shared some footage of what would have been the release version firmware and I think it was perhaps less than what it should have been, if nothing else it was less than what people were expecting and they withheld the release

Although there's no doubt that they will continue to work on it and improve it I guess people may have had higher expectations of what it would look like at release time so holding it off for another week or so to fix some of the things people complained about was probably the better thing to do, I'm sure we'll see a better result when it is released regardless
Your "qualifiers" aside, there is no way to arrive at such a conclusion at this point. You are just speculating, making assumptions and being gratuitously negative. The Mobius 2 choice of components is unique. Why trash something you know nothing about?

Again, READ..... I am expressing my disappointment in waiting so long for this camera..... plus the ASSUMPTION (yeah, you're right about that!! Feel good?) that when released the product PROBABLY comes in behind other serious contenders. And then I called that really sad.

I am NOWHERE tackling the specs of the camera, so, I don't know what you're aiming at exactly but I don't take kindly to being attacked on something I did NOT say.

dirkzelf OVER and OUT..........
Again, READ..... I am expressing my disappointment in waiting so long for this camera..... plus the ASSUMPTION (yeah, you're right about that!! Feel good?) that when released the product PROBABLY comes in behind other serious contenders. And then I called that really sad.

I am NOWHERE tackling the specs of the camera, so, I don't know what you're aiming at exactly but I don't take kindly to being attacked on something I did NOT say.

dirkzelf OVER and OUT..........

Oh come on now! You suggest that it may be "the biggest hoax ever" yet now you rationalize and back peddle on the whole thing after making such remarks. Such hyperbole is entirely uncalled for considering the reputation of the Mobius developers. Enough already!
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