Next version of Mobius?

Oh come on now! You suggest that it may be "the biggest hoax ever" yet now you rationalize and back peddle on the while thing after making such remarks. Such hyperbole is entirely uncalled for considering the reputation of the Mobius developers. Enough already!

Yeah, I don't really care anymore. Goodnight dude.

Hey man, be careful you don't get bit by another imaginary green monster. ;)

Now that's a good one, I would really like to get that cleared up, it's not imaginairy and still not OK...... I see what I see, and others with me, so step of that one ALREADY.....

Or do you have any constructive solutions for that perhaps? In that case I'd like to discuss this further. Or not.... don't know yet.

You feel attacked personally? Then you know how I feel.

dirkzel really OUT. No more, ok?
Now that's a good one, I would really like to get that cleared up, it's not imaginairy and still not OK...... I see what I see, and others with me, so step of that one ALREADY.....

Or do you have any constructive solutions for that perhaps? In that case I'd like to discuss this further. Or not.... don't know yet.

You feel attacked personally? Then you know how I feel.

dirkzel really OUT. No more, ok?

Your whole green monster saga was a ridiculous melodrama. That's all I have to say about it.

Referring to the new Mobius 2 as "the biggest hoax ever" has a similar ring to it. This kind of thing seems to be your way.

I'm not willing get be drawn into such petty BS any further with you, so to borrow a phrase, Goodnight Dude.
Your whole green monster saga was a ridiculous melodrama. That's all I have to say about it.

Referring to the new Mobius 2 as "the biggest hoax ever" has a similar ring to it. This kind of thing seems to be your way.

I'm not willing get be drawn into such petty BS any further with you, so to borrow a phrase, Goodnight Dude.

You're welcome. Goodnight.
Obviously, the Mobius 2 product launch wasn't handled too well. It's been a bit of a let-down after all this time but let's be patient and evaluate the camera when we get our hands on it.
Obviously, the Mobius 2 product launch wasn't handled too well. It's been a bit of a let-down after all this time but let's be patient and evaluate the camera when we get our hands on it.

yeah, could do, but if rumours get around people get excited, and frankly I have waited just too long and bought a JooVuu X about 7 weeks ago.

When was the first talk of a possible release date? November or so, can't really remember, but yeah they were rumours and I don't know where that started, it just feels too long, and I hope with you that it turns out OK, but I don't count on anything anymore.
Here we go again....


Regardless of *IF* the Mobius 2 is similar to other cameras or not after this wait. I bet that the Mobius 2 will have spare parts available which I have yet to find with any other camera. For that alone I love the mobius camera line.
Unlike any other camera, I'm guessing that it will be designed for manual focusing and I'll bet it will be bullet-proof reliable too! Unlike any other camera, the firmware will likely receive more diligent attention, tweaking and revisions as well. :)
Yeah, a lot of complaining about the M2, why ?

At least it has been released and if the hardware is stable, and the design more or less the same as the M1, we can expect hardware fixes, other lenses
to use and so on. And probably lots of firmware updates. But is that a real problem ? it you consider the price, how you can customize the product and
its niche market. I say the M2 is a great hardware upgrade, and will be just fine, all in good time.

The only real downside to the older mobius, was it only had 1080p 30fps. Everything else you could work around or customize
to fit your needs. Sure it does not have a LCD screen and a lot of other things, but the product is not aimed at that specific market
and it is not trying to compete with say, the gopro. Mobius is best for dashcam use, or for RC controlled aircraft. Even monitoring
or surveillance to. But as a actioncam where you have the need for a LCD screen, you will just have to get another product for that.

Sure, it would have been nice with some additional upgrades but not something that is a deal breaker. It is still the good old
stable and solid mobius product that the first version is.
I want to see the mobius 2 compared to the jovuu x after its release. When the jovuu x costs just $30 more performance will matter more than the $30 will.

Maybe 1080 60fps is not enough today.
I want to see the mobius 2 compared to the jovuu x after its release. When the jovuu x costs just $30 more performance will matter more than the $30 will.

Maybe 1080 60fps is not enough today.

We aint competing with them. We're a final finished product. We're in discussions with retailers to stock the JooVuu X. We do all of our own development and we develop our own accessories.

We also comply with all EU safety regulations, provide markup to our resellers so they can afford to live and aren't owned by some shady Chinese consortium. Spend your money where you want, the only thing we can and will do is focus on our own product. We always welcome competition :)
One last post about this (I hope :D) about this, it's definitely not the product M2 that I have concerns about, I have used (and am still using) multiple M1's for 3 years, and for the specs it works great. It's unbeatable in price / performance / feature, but I'm definitely not married to the brand, and times are changing and we see many other nice products popping up rapidly, and I and many of us also want some more of all that umpfh..... so we are all very interested and eager to find it.

It's more the long wait and suspended releasing that I worry about. The longer it takes, the bigger the chance that it's gonna be too late.

Besides it doesn't enlarge my faith in a good outcome, but of course I'm not an insider, and I surely hope I'm wrong.

Like I said before, I bought me a Joovuu X just because of all of the above, and I am a very happy user that can count on immediate and professional support at any subject to the X matter. I have never had any contact with any developer for the Mobius, everything had to go through 3rd party co-users, usergroups or elsewhere, even the "approved resellers" never gave me other support than "Check the usergroups", or "please send the camera back for our inspection" (to CHINA mind you) and then after 6 weeks telling me I need new motherboards.... Yeah, I could have expected that. And Mobius producer never made any PC or phone software to change settings or live view for their own product! It was all done by others, mostly for free (as far as I know and as far as these enthousisats tell it to us themselves). So great job, and thank you for that, it's highly appreciated over the years, but it tells us a lot about how Mobius producer seems to be doing things.

dirkzelf out.
I just hope it support the IMX185.
Here's a recent post by Tom Franks I noticed on the RC Groups M2 feedback discussion. Certainly not what we've been wanting to hear after all this time. I was under the impression that improved low light performance was one of the design goals. (based on a post I seem to recall that I'm trying to track down) If improved low light capability comes at the expense of frame rate it will not be something that will appeal to us dash camers.

"Based on just visual observation of the low light ability, there is not much difference with the release FW from the M1. But the M2 has a dual exposure (at 1/2 the frame rate) capability that can noticeably improve the low light ability, though it has not yet been tweaked for maximum effectiveness, and has not yet been added to the FW function set. So users should not expect a marked improvement in the low light capability with the release camera."
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You are not mistaken, there was mention of this new hardware being chosen due to superior night performance, was posted somewhere on the RC groups forum