No Gps 422gw

bald eagle

New Member
Oct 13, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have just purchased a 422gw dash cam updated to the latest firmware, but I have no gps data.
Also no gps icon on the dash cam screen. Am i doing something wrong or missing something in the setup.
Try resetting the cam with a pin in the reset hole, and check that the firmware is also up to date.
Thank you Paul, have already tried a reset and have the latest firmware installed.
I really don't understand why people say to make sure you have the latest software when the previous software was pretty much fully working. Updates are frequently to get some peripheral function (Alexa springs to mind). (Especially when the OP has already said he has the latest software.)
Did the previous software prevent the GPS working? Of course it didn't, so updating the software will make no difference to that.:ROFLMAO:

Far more relevant is the fact that it can take quite a long time (10 mins or more) for a GPS system to get and initial lock especially if it is a considerable distance (10s - 100s miles) or time (days - months) from the location/time it last had a lock. The lock time is likely to be extended even more if the system is moving (as in a car) or doesn't have a clear view of the sky (as in a car windscreen with the metal roof occluding 50% of the sky).

So fully power it, leave it outside with a clear view of the sky, don't move it and wait. If you don't get a lock after 20-60 mins, then it is probable that you really do have a problem.
Hi all, just a quick update. nextbase supplied a new gps mount but still very intermitent gps, would work one drive then the next nothing. This is not satisfactory for something that cost over £100 so I have returned the dash cam for a refund.

thanks all for the help.