Parking garage 'road rage', complete with sword brandishing Twit, and a BMW!. (Thailand)

Yes she was lucky that she grabbed the sword on the right side, the other side and her fingers / hand would have been a mess.

It is however a common defense wound when knifes have been in play, if i would have been here i would at that time have had my keys in my hand

Used the right place on his lower or upper arm, would have persuaded him to let go of the blade, of been a excellent jump off point for some closer combat, up close are often the best place with a person with a knife, counter intuitive but a fact.

I hope "samurai" have been taken care of by the proper authorities.

EDIT: The Bavarian car maker do have a lot of problems, but with the people that drive their cars.
Hope the idiot was charged
don't get your hopes up, but they found him.


No info on actual charges, yet, but, since this is's still possible not much will happen to him.

Where are the angry, drunk, foreigners when you need them? It would be a shame if he pulled his 'ninja' routine on somebody who's not afraid to kick his butt. (in defense)
