Parking Mode Door Ding


Active Member
May 8, 2016
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Orlando, Florida
United States
Dash Cam
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My new car gets its first door ding from a co-worker. He claimed he didn't know who the car belonged to. It doesn't matter who it belongs to, you don't do this. He claims he would get it fixed for me, but I don't forsee it will happen This car is a little over a year old and that is still the only ding on it..

Some effort indeed, not like the door was blown up, which seem like people have problems handling here.
Exactly why I have side cams and leave them on! Great video!
My work takes me to supermarket car parks. Sometimes I'm sitting in the van doing paperwork. 7 or 8 times I've heard a bang where some clown has thrown open their door and hit my van. I dread to think how many times it has happened while I wasn't there. Luckily no damage, but even so.

The sickening thing is that these people don't even see it as a problem. They have to get out, so it's OK for them to slam their door into the adjacent vehicle??? They literally don't care. You would think they would at least want to look after their own doors, but no. Expending zero effort is more important to them.

It isn't always the people you'd expect to do it, either. Those nice little old ladies are the worst.

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Some people dont give a flying effi about others ..
Simple as that ..
I say , bring back the Cat O 9 Tails ... I think society is less for the lack of Corporal punishment ..
It isn't always the people you'd expect to do it, either. Those nice little old ladies are the worst.

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With my first car, I was walking towards my car from the store and saw an old lady throw her Cadillac door wide open and bounce it off my car door. She didn't bother to check either, just walked right past me on her way in. Left a big crease in my door. Somehow, her driver door had a new foot-shaped dent right in the middle after I left.

Yeah, I was a teenager, but she was a (female dog). Had it happened today I probably would have caught up to her, brought her back to the cars and asked her to explain, and if she denied it, I'd take pictures of her, the damage, etc and report to my insurance company (who probably wouldn't do anything).
Many years ago I was going to my car in a parking garage and there was a woman parked next to me loading packages into her car - with her suitcase size purse (with metal feet) sitting on the hood of my car. I, not so gently, moved it from my car to hers while looking her straight in the eye daring her to say anything - she didn't. Felt good for the rest of the day in spite of the touch up painting still in front of me. :giggle:

She probably went home and complained to her husband/boyfriend about the inconsiderate a-hole who scratched her car for no reason.
I remember coming back from shopping to my car .. ( 80's )
And there was some bitch sitting right in the middle of my bonnet ( Hood ) ..
I walked up to her and asked if she was comfortable ?
Then I asked her if it was her car ?
Then I asked her why the parking lot she was sitting on my car !

Or the time I cam back to my car to find some punk leaning all over my car .. Same thing .
Asked him if he was comfortable , was it his car , and then why the hell he was all over my car ( By the time I get to that part my demeanor has changed from curious )

Lots of people out there that just don't give a **** .. ( Except for themselves of course )
Like the able bodied who use disabled parking ! God I hate them ! ( Must be mentally disabled )
Like the able bodied who use disabled parking ! God I hate them ! ( Must be mentally disabled )

As I was loading groceries into my car, I watched a compact SUV back into a disabled space next to me. Then a young couple gets out with a small child and walks right into the store. I gave them a nasty look and the guy responded "we will be gone in a moment". We don't have enough police here to actually patrol around. They are all tied up with more serious stuff going on.
What is it ? Why do people have problems walking a few extra meters ? , especially when they are able bodied ?
You watch these idiots trolling for a parking space as close to the door as possible , while there are plenty of spaces 10 or 20 meters away ?
Is it some sort of public mental health issue ? ( A Social disease like herpes )