Pickup truck parent blocks driveway, somehow I'm supposed to wait?


Mar 21, 2016
Reaction score
Windsor, ON
Dash Cam
A118C; Mini 0805 (x2); G1W-C
Background story:

This is a well known highschool in the city I live in. I'm quite sure most of the city's teenage population attends this school. I went there also. My younger brother also attends this school.

This morning (in fact, it's about an hour or so before I made this post), I was dropping my brother off as usual at the guest parking lot at the school. It's all business as usual until I notice two cars blocking the driveway to get into the parking lot (1 white car, 1 black ford pickup truck) I give a honk and the white car moves. I still can't get in because of turning circles reasons and I ask the ford pickup to move back. Apparently, I'm not supposed to do that. Apparently I'm supposed to wait for him to drop his kids off.


Do I have a video footage of the entire fracas? Of course I do.

I don't blame the Ford truck for acting the way he did. I probably would have done the same if someone came at me with that attitude :eek:
Yes, they blocked the driveway following the car in front and technically not following rules but they'd have gone once the car in front moved.
No need to escalate the situation just because it's on camera.
I would just have reversed when i noticed i was in the way, but i am also a overly nice person compared to so many other people out there.
Here the omnipresent " mutual consideration" in the traffic code should have kicked in, but its not a given as people here are the same as Americans in so many ways.