Pics that make you smile

Ah! "Durian".
A English appropriately describe eating this fruit as "Eating delicious yogurt in a public toilet".
This fruit in Malaysia is called "Buah Durian", also known as "King's fruit". Very popular in S.E.Asia. The ones you can buy here are from Thailand and comes frozen.
Get over the strong pungent smell, it's a great fruit.
Give it a try.
I used to see them in the US in the Asian markets frozen like a thanksgiving turkey, and about the same size.

Not had fresh Durian yet, but I'm looking at two jackfruit trees, (Which is OK) and there is a 'gooseberry' tree, and a mango tree behind the house.

In my 50+ years of experience, I've found that if it smells bad it tastes equally bad or worse but never better ;) When someone tells you "it's an acquired taste" that's a warning which actually means that if you eat enough of the crap you'll get used to it, but it doesn't actually taste good at all :p

People's tastes vary. The Japanese are fond of Tofu, a foul-tasting waste of soybeans which has nothing to recommend it no matter how you cook it. Koreans are fond of Kimchi which starts with rotted cabbage and tastes just as rotted when they're done making it. A Thai I once knew made some Dim Sum for me and said it wasn't hot at all like they usually made it. One small spoonful and my mouth was on fire :eek: I wasn't stupid enough to try any more expecting different results. The same this with Mexicans and their affinity for peppers.

There is only tasty and that which is not tasty but which you can get used to eating if you eat enough of it- do not confuse the two :cool:

I saw a document about food and they claimed that if you want to eat insects or maggots like some natural tribes you have to start eating them under 3 years old, after that your taste and mind is formed and even if you *can* eat them you cant really enjoy them naturally.
Stop burning coal then! :p

As for you cat food afficionados, perhaps this should be next in line on your bucket list

I am a Chinese born and grew up in Malaysia, yep I love durian :D
Tell me about it, for the last 2 days i have been growing a batch in my throat, ready to pass around if i wasent such a nice guy.

So i am under self imposed quarantine while i get my hands of those little mofos and get them kicked out.

Will have to break my quarantine tomorrow as i am running out of juice - milk and food.
Aaa yes the good old days :)

those were the days, my first computer was a Commador 64 "C" I think the C was to signify something to do with the amount of colours or it was colour, not sure now, but my first computer that could be used much like todays computer was my Atari 1040ST yes came with i meg built in RAM unlike the 520ST with half a meg of RAM, was amazing what could be done with one meg, I still have it in the garage with lots of 3.5" floppy disks.

I can't believe I once in 1984 went in to those new computer stores and asked:

"how would I be able to tell if a computers drive was a floppy drive or a hard drive, I didn't want to insert a floppy drive in to a hard drive and mess things up"

yeah I know, I can't believe it my self that I asked that question
Better than not asking. A few people managed to force DIMM memory into PCI slots, for example. "If it fits, it fits!" Won't work, though.

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My worst was when i go to computer expert store and asked "Will it make my computer(1) faster if i buy more memory?"
(1) Olivetti 386sx-16
He was a gentleman, didn't sell memory to me.
hehe passive water cooling, it can be done, but really not feasible for a high performance PC ( non overclocked )

At least not back in the day when 90 nm was the order of the day, perhaps it would work better now as CPUs have become less power hogs.

The retail units was basically just with a huge external reservoir with a lot of cooling fins on it to dissipate heat into the air.
Don't waste money on that. Let Darwin's "theory" do its job.

Here in Houston, At some places where a street crosses the light rail line (like a subway but on the surface) they have LEDs in the street that start flashing red when the traffic light turns red. And apparently that's not enough because now some even have an extra red border around the traffic light itself to really emphasise the fact that it's red. And at a lot of the pedestrian crossings, they have humans on foot with bright yellow vests who and blow whistles when the trains come to help phone zombies.

Doesn't help though... People and cars still get hit by trains.