Pics that make you smile

Yeah you can really creep out your Valentine MSG with the wrong font.
WTF!!! I see at least three different instances of battery. With friends like that who needs enemies?... and if they're not his friends (or even if they are) the next category they should fall into are defendants. :eek:
It was not that exact thing, but a chain of similar events that lead me to seriously revise my terms for friendship.
Okay i was pretty naive back then so the friend-database was reduced from 30 to 0, and then i spent the next decades looking for new stuff, but so far only found one.
Perhaps i have set the bar too high now.
I've seen a lot worse during my boarding school years. :rolleyes:
Well their happy faces will soon be wiped clean :D
And that's the real reason Skynet will rise against us. :-)

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Looks like a little fellow that appreciate a good meal. :)

I had a chocolate covered mealworm when i was visiting Randers rain forest last week, next time i will try a grasshopper just to see what peoples grandchildren are going to be feeding on down the road.

shave my head put me in a tub for some hours, and then serve me a good steak and i will look like that too :D
Looks like a little fellow that appreciate a good meal. :)

I had a chocolate covered mealworm when i was visiting Randers rain forest last week, next time i will try a grasshopper just to see what peoples grandchildren are going to be feeding on down the road.

shave my head put me in a tub for some hours, and then serve me a good steak and i will look like that too :D

When I was a teenager I got to try fried ****roaches and chocolate covered ants. The roaches were surprisingly good; crunchy with a nutty flavor. The ants were kind of like eating chocolate covered raisins (well, sort of). They say there is a enough protein in insect populations to feed the whole world and then some. (more protein than beef) There is a project to make a nutritious insect based flour for feeding malnourished populations around the world.

That lizard sure likes 'em.

Edit: I can't believe this forum censors words like "****"roaches. Jeez! :rolleyes:
And the place where airline pilots work :D

I cant say i have not overstepped my bounds some times, clearly Danish,,,,, should i say culture or something is more unleashed.

I dont even think movies on TV or in the cinema have some rating like in the US, its just up to parents to decide what their kids will see, and as parents here are busy with all manner of other stuff than their kids, then the kids here see and hear most, and we dont have beeps on TV so if its not a copy made for the US market the kids will hear it all.
Actually when i see TV thats clearly made the US markets i do feel a little offended i dont get the full monty, so for instance NCIS and similar TV shows they now blur corpses and so on and even the lips of a person saying "beep" get blurred to safeguard the 2 people out of 10 thousand that can lip read.
That was not the case before, but i think the networks cant be bothered with a US and EU version, so we all just get the US version now.
Also i have been thinking well kids are 18 when they drive and may frequent a dashcam forum, but thats here and not over there, and truth be told kids aged 17 can now take a driving license here, but they can not drive without a adult in the car before they turn 18. ( thank god )

Just read some Russian guy think the internet should be banned for kids under 10, and to be honest i cant say that i totally disagree with the dude.
I got on the internet when i was like 38, and i dont think i have missed out on anything, and i am sure the good old regular paper school could have turned me into a top earner without computers.
It is like many people now think there was no world before the internet, and i am sort of praying for a massive sun storm that could disconnect those people to prove my point.
Edit: I can't believe this forum censors words like "****"roaches. Jeez! :rolleyes:

Ain't nothing. One forum I've been on got spammed so much that the words gold, cialis, and even internet were filtered out. You coukdn't write "specialist" because of the "cialis" word inside of it. So we used workarounds like using the number zero instead of the letter "O" to write c0ckroaches and such. Works here too ;)

And instead of understanding, the filtering software does the wrong thing :( Just remember that it's those same kinds of people who are writing the software for automated cars- doesn't that make you feel safer already? :eek:

shave my head put me in a tub for some hours, and then serve me a good steak and i will look like that too :D
You want to be Homer Simpson?
Engineers the oompa loompas of science :)
Ain't nothing. One forum I've been on got spammed so much that the words gold, cialis, and even internet were filtered out. You coukdn't write "specialist" because of the "cialis" word inside of it. So we used workarounds like using the number zero instead of the letter "O" to write c0ckroaches and such. Works here too ;)

And instead of understanding, the filtering software does the wrong thing :( Just remember that it's those same kinds of people who are writing the software for automated cars- doesn't that make you feel safer already? :eek:


Cool! Now we can say all those c0ck words we want!

With the advent of autonomous cars I fully expect to hear about the first grid lock driverless traffic jam and maybe some sort of bizarre autonomous car AI road rage incident. :D
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