Pics that make you smile

I would take one of those replicators, that seem to be able to output just about any exotic drink. :)

Oh, like when Robby the Robot makes 60 gallons of bourbon for the cook in Forbidden Planet? I guess Robby beat out the replicator Sci-Fi meme a decade before Star Trek.

I've also wondered what cat food tastes like.
...When I'm on a pension and if money is short I'll try the cat food too!
I think I'm a victim of subliminal messages, this is what my cat gets:

Drumpf! :D
Put a between the D and r and you have Darum which mean therefore in German, then "pf", thats the sound of disappointment when you shrug your shoulders over something.

Sometimes being multilingual is pretty fun when you like to play with words :)
I dont know why, but that video with the dogs and the gate made me think of politicians.
When there is no solution and its just a standoff they are all over the issues, but as soon as a solution open up they back off.

Politicians are inherent weak, and therefore there need to be a limit on how long they can serve their country, if they stick around too long they become useless and are actually blocking that society in moving forward.

It do not matter if its good or bad decisions that are made, as long as they are made and the bad ones are corrected as soon as possible.
Weak politicians will not see this.
As if ,,,,,,,,

If i had the money for a car like that I doubt I'd waste my time making youtube videos.
Now that I think of it, all of my free time would be spent getting into that car, or extracting myself from it. (Unless I could afford a electric hoist or something)