Pics that make you smile

And only picture telling a little of things to come is Janis.
Well it is one of those desperate i cant believe this smiles :confused: but it seem like Denmark might not have a postal service soon, cuz here bringing out post is sooooo much harder and more expensive than any other country.

Thease gooberment clowns ( postal been a gooberment branch up until lately and gooberment is still a 40% part ovner )
But this are signs thats been in their face for 20 years and not much have been done to fix it, just go to prove what clowns Danes are, and you know clowns vote for clowns as it take one to know one.

If i was to decide heads would be rolling in the streets of Copenhagen :mad:
Well as a person that himself come from a society that have committed atrocities i can relate :) but what is most freighting is my society is now so much in the other ditch that we cant even stop atrocities committed by others.
And so we are still evil, the name of the game we spearhead now is just sloth and procrastination :(
"Faggots" also describes a bundle of sticks or twigs and in metallurgy it's a bundle of wrought iron bars! Makes me want to toss my cookies! :D
It also describes a bundle of herbs, tied together, for use in a stew or casserole.
And many people still think dogs are intelligent... :p:D
Trump has gone mad with power. Today he signed an executive order that affects musicians in all fifty states.

Trump's EO drummer.jpg
As a former drum basher myself i recent this decree :p
O yeah in that case the little guy better be careful :D