Pics that make you smile

The really scary thing about this is there are really people like that running around free and unsupervised. :eek:
The worst place to meet these people is at the work space. You have to tip toe around them, because there will bring it up at meeting that someone make bad work environment.
All know where the problem is, but nobody can do anything, since the lowest sensitive person count. You can't tell them to pull them self together, since that will be the most offensive statement you can say. You know there are already in trigger mode, when there brought it up.
hehe yeah its pretty funny when things like that line up :)
How'd they do that? If it's stop motion it must have taken forever! Worth it though. :D
Looks like someone got a lot of 4 four foot track for his railway in the garden :D

A while back i got a package from DHL i think it was, since we have a buzzer at the front door, they seemingly dident even bother ringing my door bell ( cuz i was home as usual when expecting a package )
So they just wedged the little paper telling they been here and found no one home, and for me to contact them behind the buzzer assembly beside the door.
Lucky me i saw it when i left home later in the day.

Danish postal do the same lying about them trying and found no one home, it have also been proven by undercover camera that they fill out those forms in advance even before they leave for their route.

And i dont get it it seem like all door buzzers are coded with a entry code for postmen, and thats usual the number and then the postal code, so to get in to my stairwell at my place you just have to enter 348900, and then you just have my apartment door to deal with, and a fat man leaning against it will make it cave in.
And so if thats the case all door buzzers in the country are mute :rolleyes::(:mad:

At least have a RFID in the buzzer so postmen and others can use some form of universal rfid tag to get in, but off course thats not so safe either.

Damn hard to deal with the world around you being fueled by stupid, and more is just added to the fire every day :mad: