Pics that make you smile

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Denmark,,,, we are like the appendix on Europe, one day we get inflamed and will have to be surgically removed.
Being in the construction business I was a bit horrified to see this vid. That storm door wasn't properly restrained and by swinging open that far could have easily broken away from the house; that landing requires a railing all round to be legal; and "Mom" shouldn't have let a child that small be out of reach in such windy conditions. This could have very easily ended terribly with a little girl sliced to shreds bleeding to death :eek: and I'm just happy that it ended better.

I think the little girl is a tough SOB, dont let go with the one hand :D

You dont really see screen doors here, though out in the country near pig or other animal farms they might be a good idea to keep flies out.
Where my sister lived they used some form of fine masked net that had a magnet assembly / zipper like seal in the middle, so you could just push thru it and it would then close on its own behind you.

Also strange here as most Danish houses dont have aircon either, so opening doors and windows in the hot summer days are pretty normal.

If Danish the little girl look old enough to cycle the couple of miles to and from school, and old enough to already know some times life throw a curb ball at you, or in this case a freak gust of wind.

Perhaps this will change, Danish parents are getting more and more protective of their kids ( in some ways ) so kids are not as tough as back in my day.
And in my day we had to take care of our self, and there was always the chance the Americans or Russians pushed the button and turned us all into ash.

Today people thing the cold war is a prize war between 2 companies that make icecream.
Being in the construction business I was a bit horrified to see this vid...


My dad used to play on bomb sites. With unexploded WWII bombs lying around. Just sayin'. [emoji2]

We're still finding those bombs, one turned up last week. They closed 30 nearby schools. Must've been a big 'un. (Or huge overreaction!)

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In lieu of me not having a girlfriend i can shower with love, i will then do as so many other and shower my stomach with "love"


In this case the first strawberry tart of many to come ( do prefer when they are made with Danish grown Strawberries )

The girls do not know what they are missing out on, i have spades of this stuff for the right one :)
As a leo i can relate, to the little guy thinking he is all that. :D