Pics that make you smile

Since we're having a bit of fun with English/American this is something a work colleague from G.B. sent me a number of years ago:

We, in the UK, must be in the only country to:-

Buy milk and beer by the pint, and buy orange juice and paint by the litre
Buy petrol by the litre, for cars that do 30 miles to the gallon.
Weigh ourselves in stones and pounds, but buy potatoes by the kilo.
And, best of a 3 metre length of 2" x 4" lumber!!!
You get the same issue with "Spanish" as spoken in Spain and "Spanish" as spoken in Mexico :rolleyes: For many years, the US educators taught "Spanish", not "Mexican", but that is changing as they now realize that for almost all of their students, "Mexican" is the "Spanish" they will need ;) I know a few words and phrases in several languages but I'm not fluent in any but "American English", especially the "Southern Appalachian" dialect where "Y'nses ain't got no smarts boutit atall so gimme a slug and hesh up" :p

Spanglish is popular as well.
Since we're having a bit of fun with English/American this is something a work colleague from G.B. sent me a number of years ago:

We, in the UK, must be in the only country to:-

Buy milk and beer by the pint, and buy orange juice and paint by the litre
Buy petrol by the litre, for cars that do 30 miles to the gallon.
Weigh ourselves in stones and pounds, but buy potatoes by the kilo.
And, best of a 3 metre length of 2" x 4" lumber!!!
You rarely get pints of milk (unless it's in a bottle from the milkman - and he screws you over on the price). The conversion to litres etc was forced upon us - the conversion of fuel from Gallons to litres was one of the biggest cons of all time. 120.9pence per litre for Diesel at my local forecourt, minimum quantity is 5 litres at a cost of... £6.05 - customer is 'robbed' of 0.5p because the pump always rounds up.
put in 9 litres & the charge is not £10.88 (actual 1088.1p) but £10.89 - customer loses almost a whole penny.
So what? it's only a penny. However, the whole 99p pricing strategy was built on the fact that customers generally always wait for change - even 1p so cashiers would have to put the money through the till to get the change.
If an item is given one price on the shelf but a different price at the till, you are entitled to make a fuss, yet here, the motorist has to roll over.
Again, it's only a penny - but if you have 30 million vehicles being fuelled regularly & each one loses 1p per fill...
I can just imagine the satellite support line, so you say you have a fuzzy signal on all your channels :D

Maybe the best thing would be to keep those pictures a secret for satellite companies.

I doubt you will find many trucks here with a leather inside, that's usual found as a extra in the cars of wealthy people, us common guys just have some sort of fabric.
Toyota showcases the Tonka Hilux (Aussie version of the tacoma). My inner child just fell in love...

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More yota.

So Cuba is finally opening up a little and what do ( the Americans do )

I should also say Toyotas in Denmark do not sound like that, that is impossible with a 4 CYL 2.0 L TDI
That Tonka is not bad, ill pick one up for my grand Australian adventure, and then donate the rest of it to something when i am done with it.

HEHE yeah the Tonka "paint job" is not that fortunate i think, i will not be getting that option.
Have they released a price? I'd be willing to bet young people can just forget about it $$ wise. These companies just don't seem to get it, they seem to think the average young person can afford anything!
I heard this morning that President Trump has signed a bill that companies have the right now to ask for peoples social security number and get it! That will put an end to any kind of security people have! I would have never thought anyone could have been that stupid, especially him!

Correction: See post #6025.
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Do not worry, the Danish PM go visit Trump next week or so, that will fix everything
That is a pic of a guy holding a sphere and not just a black disk, or for that matter a little photo shop creativity.

So black the devil don't even like it :)

I heard this morning that President Trump has signed a bill that companies have the right now to ask for peoples social security number and get it!...
What you heard is wrong! What was signed was a repeal of an Obama era policy (that had yet to go into effect as I understand it) that restricted what some companies (ISPs specifically) could do with information they already have and does not require that they collect, or that you have to give them, your SSN. Other companies (Yahoo, Google, etc.) already had the right to use this same information as they desired so the effect is there are now a few more companies able to do what a large number of companies have already been doing for a long time.

There is already legislation in force that specifically restrict any company's requirement that you provide your SSN as identification. This used to be common practice but no longer. Health insurance companies used to be one of the biggest users of the SSN as a customer ID number and they have spent millions of dollars in the last 15 years or so redoing their IT systems as a result of this prohibition. This I know for a fact as I was directly involved in those system conversions.