Pics that make you smile

What you heard is wrong! What was signed was a repeal of an Obama era policy (that had yet to go into effect as I understand it) that restricted what some companies (ISPs specifically) could do with information they already have and does not require that they collect, or that you have to give them, your SSN. Other companies (Yahoo, Google, etc.) already had the right to use this same information as they desired so the effect is there are now a few more companies able to do what a large number of companies have already been doing for a long time.

There is already legislation in force that specifically restrict any company's requirement that you provide your SSN as identification. This used to be common practice but no longer. Health insurance companies used to be one of the biggest users of the SSN as a customer ID number and they have spent millions of dollars in the last 15 years or so redoing their IT systems as a result of this prohibition. This I know for a fact as I was directly involved in those system conversions.

Thanks DT MI, as I said I didn't think this was something President Trump would do. Now you have straightened me out. I heard this from a news release that emails one the happenings every day called "Forward", it seems they should call themselves Backwards. Thanks for the reply and hearing the truth.

This isn't the first time they have balled up a news flash. I think I'm going to find another news service!
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it seems they should call themselves Backwards. Thanks for the reply and hearing the truth.
This isn't the first time they have balled up a news flash. I think I'm going to find another news service!
That has been my experience as well with most news organizations today.
That is a pic of a guy holding a sphere and not just a black disk, or for that matter a little photo shop creativity.

So black the devil don't even like it :)

WOW KamKar1! At first glance (without coffee) I thought this was some kind of digital problem, then it hit me someone had painted something with the new Vantablack! It's simply amazing that it appears that black on my monitor like it's a real black hole. I just can't wait to see this stuff in real time!

Now if they will only get it in a spray can for under $5.00:D!
If you picture google vantablack you will find a picture of 2 busts in brass, the one is covered in vantablack so even though it face the camera like the untreated one you can not see any features only the outline and then darkness.

I would like to get a really closer look at some of these vantablack things, that sphere i am sure i could look at it for hours
If you picture google vantablack you will find a picture of 2 busts in brass, the one is covered in vantablack so even though it face the camera like the untreated one you can not see any features only the outline and then darkness.

I would like to get a really closer look at some of these vantablack things, that sphere i am sure i could look at it for hours

You're right, it's surprising how mesmerizing that sphere is, to me it looks like a disk or just a big black hole! I don't get the feeling of it being a sphere at all!
I'm sure when it comes available I will be trying to get my hands on some.
I would put it on a plinth in my living room and then walk around and look at it.

Problem is, i think as dust settle on the vantablack it will loose its properties, and i am not sure if you can wash it.

But it would be much more cool than a bust of beethoven or something similar.
Other companies (Yahoo, Google, etc.) already had the right to use this same information as they desired so the effect is there are now a few more companies able to do what a large number of companies have already been doing for a long time.

The problem with this logic is that a person can simply elect to not use the services of companies like Google or Yahoo or Facebook if you don't want them to monitor your web browsing history without your consent but the new law allowing your ISP to collect and sell this information (sensitive information regarding a user’s finances, health, sexual preferences, political affiliations, information from children, etc., etc., etc) completely dismantles your right to internet privacy no matter how you feel about this issue. It is not simply a matter of "a few more companies". This kind of logic is a false equivalency.
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Is this what brakes look like on Saturn?
Let me guess how that conversation went.

Q: Did you notice the car making squealing noises?
A: Yes.
Q: When did it start making noises?
A: Some time last year.
Q: Why didn't you say something?
A: It wasn't that loud so I just turned up the radio.
Why worry? it still ran, and nothing appeared to have fallen off?

I did have a car one time that the emergency brake didn't work, parking brake, or whatever.
The cable was broken, or something.

Didn't bother me. I lived in a flat area, and it was a manual transmission car. Just left it in gear when parked.

One of my brothers who used the car sometimes got it fixed for me as a 'birthday present'.
I rarely used it afterward, anyway. :)
View attachment 29989

Is this what brakes look like on Saturn?

Let me guess how that conversation went.

Q: Did you notice the car making squealing noises?
A: Yes.
Q: When did it start making noises?
A: Some time last year.
Q: Why didn't you say something?
A: It wasn't that loud so I just turned up the radio.

We have an old saying here in New England...."If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". :)

My mechanic has a sort of "museum" of stuff like this for customers to peruse while waiting for their cars. :D
It's light rattan or bamboo furniture. It would be interesting to see them actually load it, had to take hours.
This is kind of typical in Thailand. If he is illegal, the bribe is probably cheaper and faster than any fine.
