Pics that make you smile

You probably know Forrest Gump, and him "for no particular reason" running back and forth across America.

Well thats just a movie character, the real Forrest Gump is called Jesper Olsen, and he is of course a Dane. :)
He is the only person in the world having completed 2 world runs, first from west to east direction ( 26.000 KM / 1,5 year of running ) ) and then from North to south ( 37.000 KM / 4 years running )

real forrest.png
Jesper Olsen.jpg

As he have run everywhere else, including Siberia in winter and Sahara in the summer, his next target is to run across Antarctica.
Today at 30 min past noon police came to my apartment, not that they got anything out of that aside for waking me up, i had almost just fallen asleep so was in no mood to talk to them, and they did not kick in my door just knocked a few times on it after someone else let them into the front door down below.
Went to the police station a few hours later after a bit more sleep, only to find it had closed at 2 O clock but i did manage to get hold of a cop, and as it turn out the CCTV camera i saw on it was the police, well someone have gotten butt hurt over it, and true i am not allowed to film public space with a CCTV camera, other cameras are apparently okay including my dashcams...... Go figure.

Anyway they will probably return tomorrow and have things to say though i have taken down the camera,,,,,,,, and ordered a much more stealthy one to replace it

Maybe by this time tomorrow i am a convict :)

We will see :cautious: i intend to play it cool, not least as i am about to apply for a weapons permit :cool:
The war has begun!



Of course, it is a more civilized type of war up here.
In 2012 Denmark was the first country in the world to introduce negative interests in banks, meaning you have to pay money to have money in a bank.
So now if you have over 100.000 DKKr ( 16.300 USD ) in a bank, you have to pay the bank to have the money there, not aware if you have to pay even more the more money you have.

And just FYI 100.000 DKkr are not much, it can buy you a brand new car alright, but a rock bottom of the barrel one, a new top of the line phone cost upwards of 10.000 Dkkr, thats also not a uncomon monbthly rent for a family sized apartment, say 4 - 5 rooms, a apartment that if you would buy one in the same size / location you probably had to pay around 5 million Dkkr,,,,,,, at the very least. ( assuming you live in one of our larger towns, but far from the most trendy locations )
In 2012 Denmark was the first country in the world to introduce negative interests in banks, meaning you have to pay money to have money in a bank.
I would imagine that many mattresses are getting lumpier now that it is cheaper to keep money at home instead of in a bank.

I did not know.

And the chance of this happening are ?

Chicken style kung fu,,,,,,, dont waste your time try tiger claw instead.

And then handicapped was no longer trending.


If you fall for this offer, you dont need it, you are already high.

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Yes ! but this wasent the way i imagined it.


The remaining functioning parts of my brain was just ruined looking at this picture.

Super massive cat.

Yeah ! thats a good idea Sherlock.

The day after,,,,,,, chilli night.

This would not happen in Denmark, cuz we dont do 1/2" thick foundations for our houses.

Why am i thinking " i want"

You ever wonder where the saying " bad kitty" come from ????

Tell me about your problems.

aaaa yes, the great outdoors.

last minute fixxes.

if you ever visit a beaver at home.

minimalist dog house.

that must have taken some effort.

why it was so easy for danish vikings to raid England.

yes Putin, we are very scared.

The stairs leading to " The ministry for silly walks"

Yet another thing i cant have, cant even buy one.

Nothing wrong with competition, consumers might benefit from it, others,,,,,, not so much.

I am not playing the back 9 today.

Embracing private enterprise,,,,,, why did we never have this in the western world.