Pics that make you smile



I think that go for most of us.

Customers with a very real potential of getting nasty.

Thank you Craig.

I have never been flipped off like this,,,,, well at least i think so.

Well ! It is about bloody time.

If you have issues with the performance of your culture / society, well this is what we Vikings left at the pinnacle of our culture.


"Computer. Run Program: Red Dot Chase, sequence 3. Authorization La Forge Theta-2-9-Lives-7"
Thats not how we Danes treat homeless.
You know the problem with obnoxious loud vehicles ?

There are a solution you know.

BTW yesterday i noticed the pixel size for a thermal camera,,,,,, about 10 X larger pixels than the ones we see in our dashcams. :eek:
And the lens on the scope,,,, F 0.7 i think it was.
Why sane Danes,,,,, i know counterintuitive do not brag about some things.
TBH i do only reluctantly use the name Mountain about any pile of dirt here.

I know that was not a 1 take recording / recorded in the first go, but damn Boston dynamics sure are a place to work.
Also wonder what Festo are up to these days, they made some cool things too.
I know that was not a 1 take recording / recorded in the first go, but damn Boston dynamics sure are a place to work.
Also wonder what Festo are up to these days, they made some cool things too.

One day robots like Atlas will have actual hands and artificial muscles. There are already some versions of artifical muscles that have many times the power of human strength and grip.

well if possible i would like a berserker body update like Alita get,,,,,, taking her from regular to OMG performance level ( well in robotics terms )

Then we just need to find a way stopping by brain from descending into madness.

Probably needs a mask given the more than 52M that had to be killed due to the bird flu. There may be a few that are profiting from the outbreak, there always is, but the rest of us are paying the price for conditions that make the flu race through the coops. The industry cheeps out on how they house chickens, often in intensely concentrated numbers so that if anyone of them gets sick it spreads to the entire lot of them. We could lesson the problem with regulations, but that wont happen.
