Powering Down on Cruise Control


New Member
Jan 20, 2022
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I haven't had much luck with Dash Cams - the first few all developed faults so I did without one for the next few years. Long-story-short - I was hit by a massive lorry a few months ago and realized dashcams are really handy (more a necessity) these days. So I had one of the BlackVue DR750X with front and back cameras professionally installed. For the most part it works great but I have noticed whenever I'm on cruise control on a motorway it powers down then may (or may not) power up again then down again. Same happens if I'm stationary in traffic. Now, I get it has an accelerometer to monitor the car but had assumed it would stay on if the engine was running. The shop say it's fitted correctly so the dash cam just seems it thinks I'm parked if I don't touch any of the pedals. Has anyone else had this and is there a way to get it to stay on? It's plugged into the port under the steering wheel - rather than the auxiliary power outlet.
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Not familiar with the camera, but maybe it is detecting when the alternator turns off because the battery doesn't need any more charge?
Many thanks for the suggestion - I'll check that with the shop.