Really cool abandoned mine processing facility


Active Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
United States
I picked up a new 4K camera, the Panasonic G85 M43 camera, and went to one of my favorite places in the Salt Lake valley area to take some test footage with it. So, the focus of the video is mostly on the default settings to get a baseline of the new camera, but because this is such an interesting place I figured some of you might find the location interesting. As a bonus I fly my Inspire 1 Pro drone over the location towards the end of the video.

So, if you want to skip the early part where I babble on about what I'm going to do you can skip ahead to the 7:00 mark where the field footage begins. Again, I used more-or-less default settings in order to develop a baseline for further, more advanced, adjustments down the road.

Nice spot, just too bad it have been raped with spray cans.

G85 look alright, at least it have too much of things and you can compensate from that with settings.

I would have been huffing and puffing even worse, and i am a 10 year younger Brian :)
Yeah, sucks to get old -- but it beats the alternative...

I'm not a fan of graffiti in most cases, but I think it adds a charm to the place particularly as there is some petty decent artwork in a few places. Sadly, the nicer pieces tend to get covered over by crap within a few weeks.

I could see a zombie or post apacopalyptic movie being shot here...
