Received What I Ordered?


New Member
Jun 18, 2015
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United Kingdom

I've just received a Mobius which I've bought from a seller on Ebay (100% feedback). It was described as 'MOBIUS V3 Action Camera Sports FPV Dash Cam 1080P Full HD Wide Lens C NEW V3 UK'.

I'm a novice at all things Mobius and am on a quick learning curve. I've downloaded and run msetup.exe (v. and have connected the charged up Mobius. It shows 'Bootloader=v003, firmware=2014/03/17 v1.20'. The lens type has Lens 'A' selected, but only has 'A' and 'B' as options, where I've bought what should have a lens 'C' on it. Also, would you expect the firmware to be more recent on a V3? I'm wary of updating the firmware at the moment if it can be shown I've got old stock without doing this.

Help and advice gratefully received.
Hi, update the msetup - click program update under Tools and the C lens will apear.
The program update says I have the latest version.

When I first run the program, I've noticed that Lens 'A', 'B', and 'C' all show, but greyed out. When I select the camera at the top of screen, Lens 'C' disappears. I've done a search for how the lenses differ visually, and it looks like I have lens 'C'. Could it be firmware? I've downloaded v2.37 and am just looking for courage to press 'Install' :-)
The program update says I have the latest version.

When I first run the program, I've noticed that Lens 'A', 'B', and 'C' all show, but greyed out. When I select the camera at the top of screen, Lens 'C' disappears. I've done a search for how the lenses differ visually, and it looks like I have lens 'C'. Could it be firmware? I've downloaded v2.37 and am just looking for courage to press 'Install' :)

Don't be afraid to install the latest firmware. It has all the newest features and "tweaks". If you run into a problem or just don't like it for some reason you can always go back and install any other older version of the firmware whenever you want later. Whatever happens when you install the firmware, even if something goes wrong, you can't "break" anything.

The toggle for the C lens was not added until firmware version v.2.29. After you install v.2.37 it will appear in the latest version of the GUI as the mSetup software on your computer will recognize which firmware version is installed on your Mobius when it is connected to your computer. Only with the latest firmware and GUI installed will you have access to all the features in the latest version.
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New firmware now installed and everything working ok! Don't know why they'd send a cam with firmware too old for the lens fitted.

Thanks for your help.
New firmware now installed and everything working ok! Don't know why they'd send a cam with firmware too old for the lens fitted.

Thanks for your help.

I had the same experience with the newest Mobius C I purchased showing up with v1.20 on it. I don't know why they do that either. Go figure. Maybe they want to make sure we're paying attention? :)

BTW, If you haven't already done so, download the latest instruction manual for the Mobius (pdf) which you can get by clicking this LINK.
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I had the same issue when I purchased my Mobius a few months back with the 'A' lens, I can only assume they just post them out with the firmware that was available when they were manufactured. Perhaps the lens is added afterwards which might explain the firmware/lens conflict.

I initially downloaded the MobiusManager V2 software because I wrongly assumed the camera would be pre-installed with the latest software because it had come from the manufacturer, only to be advised that I needed to download the earlier MobiusManager software version, which wasn't actually that difficult as it happens, but all very confusing when you are a new user!
As an "enthusiast's" camera a good part of the "fun" of the Mobius is all the firmware updating and tinkering, etc., along with whatever other DIY things one might like to try. A person who isn't game for at least a basic firmware update or two at a minimum really oughtn't buy one in the first place. :)
As an "enthusiast's" camera a good part of the "fun" of the Mobius is all the firmware updating and tinkering, etc., along with whatever other DIY things one might like to try. A person who isn't game for at least a basic firmware update or two at a minimum really oughtn't buy one in the first place. :)

That's not entirely true, the Mobius Action Cam as delivered works perfectly well, but as with as with a decent DSLR camera, it can be adapted if necessary. When I purchased my Mobius I had no idea how versatile it was in terms of usage, not only an excellent dash cam, a helmet cam, fitted on a bike, mountaineering helmet cam, surf cam, etc. along with tons of options for recording quality, plus a couple of battery options, it's an astonishingly well designed bit of kit.

The fact it worked straight out of the box was fantastic, and though I found the first firmware update was quite daunting, I soon discovered it was, and is very easy to do.

Unlike most dash cams, the Mobius can be used outside of the car, and the latest version comes fitted with a battery that lasts for over two hours!!!
I guess, I don't entirely agree that it "works straight out of the box". Unlike a typical dash cam you at least need to go to the trouble of downloading and installing the GUI and then configuring the camera on your computer before using it.

Many people find that a camera without a screen and the requirement to download and install the GUI in the first place isn't what they want in a camera or at least find it a challenge. As well, without a screen, many discover that you'll need to use the supplied AV wiring harness along with a monitor of some sort if you want to aim the camera with any degree of accuracy in your car.

Of course, as already mentioned you'll need to periodically remove the camera from it's mount and hook it up to your computer to change the settings each time. Beyond that, the firmware has been updated 22 times (more than any other on the market!) since the camera was introduced and if you want the latest tweaks and features you'll need to flash the new firmware each time. As you say, "I found the first firmware update was quite daunting", even if it is indeed something that is easy for you now. Like everyone else, you probably didn't have the Mobius very long before you got the urge to install the new firmware.

As you point out, it can be dash cam, a helmet cam, a bike cam, a mountaineering helmet cam, surf cam, etc. along with tons of options for recording quality, plus a couple of battery options". Don't forget the super-capacitor option....or the A-B-C lens module options. Each of these options requires some sort of special mount or "procedure" on the part of the user.

In contrast, a dedicated dash cam like the Street Guardian SG9665GC really does work right out of the box and is quite boring by comparison. You mount it on your windscreen, poke in a few settings and forget about it unless you want to remove the card. There's a firmware update on the way I hear. That camera is "boring" because it is designed to be boring and left alone to reliably do it's job. The Mobius on the other hand is a tinkerer's camera through and through in my book. I think there must be more DIY projects and tweaks for the Mobius than just about any other camera discussed in these pages.

Anyway, I think we both agree. It's a great camera. I've got 4 of them chrissake!

That's not entirely true, the Mobius Action Cam as delivered works perfectly well, but as with as with a decent DSLR camera, it can be adapted if necessary. When I purchased my Mobius I had no idea how versatile it was in terms of usage, not only an excellent dash cam, a helmet cam, fitted on a bike, mountaineering helmet cam, surf cam, etc. along with tons of options for recording quality, plus a couple of battery options, it's an astonishingly well designed bit of kit.

The fact it worked straight out of the box was fantastic, and though I found the first firmware update was quite daunting, I soon discovered it was, and is very easy to do.

Unlike most dash cams, the Mobius can be used outside of the car, and the latest version comes fitted with a battery that lasts for over two hours!!!
New firmware now installed and everything working ok! Don't know why they'd send a cam with firmware too old for the lens fitted.

Thanks for your help.

if you buy from the manufacturer they ship like this, newest lens with an old firmware version
That's not entirely true, the Mobius Action Cam as delivered works perfectly well

Sort of, if you get a C lens version delivered with v1.2 firmware as the dev sends from their own eBay store then it does really need to be updated and is not quite ready to go, not to work as it should at least
In contrast, a dedicated dash cam like the Street Guardian SG9665GC really does work right out of the box and is quite boring by comparison.

the reason we make it so boring (I know you're not criticising) is we have them in retail outlets and if you don't dumb it down to its lowest level and take away all the guess work you get unnecessary returns from people that just can't work it out, in the retail space a lot of our competitors products get returned when there's nothing actually wrong with them because people just don't get it

people that buy online generally educate themselves about the purchase so the Mobius can do well in this situation, if it were a retail store product you couldn't have them going out with C lens and V1.2 firmware for example as they'd get returned all the time, there would be a lot more costs involved in making them a regular retail channel product, that would also drive the price up quite a lot, in the retail space the Mobius would easily be a $200 product, still worth the money, just a different business model
My new "C" lens had old firmware too, but once I got my PC to recognize the Mobuis, upgrading and adjusting the settings is super-easy with the GUI. No complaints; in fact kudos for the GUI design. It worked out-of-the-box as an older version. Not really a big issue unless you have no internet access.

the reason we make it so boring (I know you're not criticising) is we have them in retail outlets and if you don't dumb it down to its lowest level and take away all the guess work you get unnecessary returns from people that just can't work it out, in the retail space a lot of our competitors products get returned when there's nothing actually wrong with them because people just don't get it

people that buy online generally educate themselves about the purchase so the Mobius can do well in this situation, if it were a retail store product you couldn't have them going out with C lens and V1.2 firmware for example as they'd get returned all the time, there would be a lot more costs involved in making them a regular retail channel product, that would also drive the price up quite a lot, in the retail space the Mobius would easily be a $200 product, still worth the money, just a different business model

I had a feeling I'd get your attention with my comment that the SG is "boring". :) Aside from making a remark that was a bit provocative it was really meant as a compliment. Boring = 100% reliable. Boring = easy to install and configure. It's that simple.

So often we hear the term "Black Box" when it comes to dash cams but that is often not what we get. How many times have we heard about members discovering that their camera has stopped working and they didn't know. How many times have people checked their footage and discovered missing or corrupted files. How many times has my suction cup mounted camera fallen off the windscreen or other type mount wobbled or moved and needed adjusting? How many times have many of us had to worry about removing a camera from our cars because it was too hot or too cold for the battery to leave the unit in the car for too long. Maybe the cameras could get stolen if they're too visible and you park in the wrong neighborhood?

My experience with the SG is that once you install and configure it (which is basically a piece of cake) you can literally forget about it if you wish for lengthy periods of time and when you finally go to check the footage, there it is. In my opinion every quality dash cam should offer excellent performance and be as boring as possible in that same way. THAT is what a REAL black box is supposed to do....right out of the box!

My Mobius cams with their after market installed super-capacitors and DIY mounting schemes and all the rest of it, including configuring them with the latest firmware and aiming them and fine tuning the focus on their lenses are equally as boring and reliable - once I finally got them set up the way I wanted them but getting there took quite a bit of time and effort even if it was a vast amount of "fun" for someone like me and that part of it was anything but boring.
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I had a feeling I'd get your attention with my comment that the SG is "boring". .

I knew where you were coming from :)

I think no matter how reliable the camera might be it still needs checking from time to time, the memory card will always be a possible point of failure in any system
I knew where you were coming from :)

I think no matter how reliable the camera might be it still needs checking from time to time, the memory card will always be a possible point of failure in any system

Well, it goes without saying, I do check footage now and again. I have on occasion let my capacitored Mobius' go a month with no problems manifesting. As long as I see the red rear LED pilot lights slowly pulsating then the camera is functioning as it should. The Mobius will let you know if there is a problem with the card or having some other issue. The SG is similar regarding footage reliability but I haven't had the cam that long or let it go quite as long. BTW, does the SG alert you to a card problem or other issues with LED behaviors? (I know,.........I should probably be asking this in one of the SG threads.)
BTW, does the SG alert you to a card problem or other issues with LED behaviors? (I know,.........I should probably be asking this in one of the SG threads.)

if not recording it would power down if no activity based on the Auto Off setting