Recorded upside down


Apr 20, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Went to an impromptu event and realize when I got home I recorded the whole event upside down. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks
If you should happen to be on a Mac you can use the QuickTime Player software supplied with your computer to view the upside-down video right-side up and then save it easily.

In the "Edit" menu choose "Flip Vertical", then choose "Flip Horizontal" and then click on the red button in the uppermost left corner of the QuickTime window to close it. You will be presented with a dialogue box asking you to give a title to the video you are about to export/save along with choosing a destination for the file. The only drawback is that the date and time stamp on your dash cam video will now be upside down on the top of your video.


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Or rotate left twice, or rotate right twice, either way the time and date will be correct.
You can elect to turn the video upright in one move or two but you still need to flip the image horizontally so it will not be mirrored backwards.
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Thanks again everyone for the support. Half way through the even I noticed that I might be recording upside down. :) Camera is very versatile but its easy also to forget sometimes how you are recording. :)