Recording problems


New Member
Feb 21, 2015
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United Kingdom
This is another power on recording problem but I can't find my particular set of circumstances elsewhere.

The camera stopped auto recording in the car a couple of months ago but I've only just noticed!

I've put the latest firmware on and set the config up again. When applying external power the camera turns on but doesn't get further than a solid yellow light. The mode and shutter buttons do nothing but the camera can be turned off by the power button and it also turns off by removing the power lead. With the camera off and the power lead attached, turning it on with the power button goes into the locked up solid yellow condition again.

If I turn it on without the power lead attached everything works as it should and if I remove the sd card it powers up and starts recording when plugging the lead in.

Any bright ideas???
Really confused now, turned power on record off but when connecting power it still goes straight to locked up solid yellow.
Yep, tried a different freshly freshly formatted one. Exactly the same behaviour, records perfectly without power, stuck on solid yellow with power.
Yep, tried a different freshly freshly formatted one. Exactly the same behaviour, records perfectly without power, stuck on solid yellow with power.

Assumed formatted in camera. Try another cable. Suspect terminals faulty.
Another cable and another power supply. Can't format in camera but given it works perfectly with no external power I don't see the relevance?
I have the same problem with a new camera I received this week. I formatted a MicroCenter branded 32mb card in the camera and adjusted some settings by editing the config file and again using the setup utility.

Recording works with leds flashing with the usb cable disconnected, but it is stuck with a solid yellow led when powered by the cable.

A troubleshooting question answer says that the camera ribbon cable is not connected properly when the camera is stuck with the yellow led on. This cannot be the problem because why would it happen only with external usb power?
I have the same problem with a new camera I received this week. I formatted a MicroCenter branded 32mb card in the camera and adjusted some settings by editing the config file and again using the setup utility.

Recording works with leds flashing with the usb cable disconnected, but it is stuck with a solid yellow led when powered by the cable.

A troubleshooting question answer says that the camera ribbon cable is not connected properly when the camera is stuck with the yellow led on. This cannot be the problem because why would it happen only with external usb power?

Post "screen shots" of your set up. Possibly it's setup/configured problem.
I tried the short cable and that one worked fine. The three meter cable mini usb connector is slightly curved in on the long side where it should be flat and the tiny contacts don't all extend to the same length. It also feels looser. The short cable does not have that odd appearance or looser fit.

I'm so close to having it work as a dashcam. I will need a replacement for the three meter mini usb cable.
My final conclusions:

USB chargers put constant voltages on the data and/or clock signal pins or short them together so that devices can detect that it is only a charger. My BlackBerry phone would never charge when connected to an iPhone charger because Apple uses various constant voltages combinations to indicate the current capability of the charger instead of shorting them together. The clock or data pins in my long cable must not be making a good connection.