Registrator Viewer GPS Speed Subtitles


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Blackvue DR750S-2CH, DR750X-2CH, A129-DUO, many others...
Hi all !

Subtitles created with Registrator Viewer are changing (refresh) every 1000ms.
When the car brakes hard, it is sometimes too long and speed is incorrect into subtitles, while correct into Registrator Viewer.

Is there a way to change this 1000ms value to a 500ms value for example ?
I've sent an email to Vadim.
My question was asked here in case of it was a known issue, like the ovelap setting wich could be modified in Windows Registry.
Not something I've seen mentioned but please post back with details if there is such an option

I think RV has lots of options that aren't always that well known but there's some great features buried in there
Here is the answer from Vadim :

Vadim said:
Your dashcam save only 1fps.

My player makes interpolate, but it is only guess.

For example, if you have speed 12kmps at 00:00:01 and 31 at 00:00:02, you don't know
what speed was at 00:00:01.500 - may be 20, may be 25 - depends on acceleration style.

Interpolation has no new information, it is only arithmetic mean, so it is not exporting.
If you very want interpolation, you have to do it yourself, in Excel, for example.