Remove Links from Signatures


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2013
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Uncanny Valley (●_●)
United States
Dash Cam
hadn't seen those pages before but have seen the same type of activity on all sorts of forums all over the web, as you no doubt know in just about any category you can think of there's some sort of enthusiast forum and wherever that is there's some mention of gearbest there and some user reviewing product, maybe getting paid or just getting free product, depends how popular the category is and/or how gullible the reviewer is I guess as to which it is, either way I think they abuse the relationships just about everywhere they go, not only are they playing people but they help bring a false sense of credibility to unwitting consumers and build marketing material for them that they are incapable of generating themselves, equal measures of clever and deception involved on gearbests behalf

Speaking of abusing the relationship,where virtually every other vendor here on DCT uses the privilege of posting some links in their signature, everyone does so discretely, whereas Gearbest essentially uses their signature to SPAM every post they make anywhere on the forum with increasingly large, bold colored lettering and links to specific sales and promo codes which then get transmitted along with the photos and promotions to the email inboxes of anyone subscribed to any particular thread that Gearbest posts in. This is basically a defacto SPAMBOT which seems a violation of @DashCamMan's intention in the thread Retailers No Longer Allowed to Post Links to Their Site.


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hadn't seen those pages before but have seen the same type of activity on all sorts of forums all over the web, as you no doubt know in just about any category you can think of there's some sort of enthusiast forum and wherever that is there's some mention of gearbest there and some user reviewing product, maybe getting paid or just getting free product, depends how popular the category is and/or how gullible the reviewer is I guess as to which it is, either way I think they abuse the relationships just about everywhere they go, not only are they playing people but they help bring a false sense of credibility to unwitting consumers and build marketing material for them that they are incapable of generating themselves, equal measures of clever and deception involved on gearbests behalf

When you join Gearbest .. There is an option to be an affiliate ... etc .
It could be considered a little like having a part time job .
As for advertising in the Sig (?) , I think is a call for Admin ...
When you join Gearbest .. There is an option to be an affiliate ... etc .
It could be considered a little like having a part time job .
As for advertising in the Sig (?) , I think is a call for Admin ...
You may think its a choice to joun Gearbest and make fake reviews but this will destroy this forums.
I wont join this forums or any forums if i think all lies are in these forums.

Is there any legal reason not to suspend the account of said retailer in this forum ?

Just asking ... I do not know where this forum is based, but there are enough reasons to believe he is misusing this forum ... to get an advantage over competitors ...

ok this is timely, while on the subject of tainted reviews this just landed in my inbox a few minutes ago, I'd guess there are probably others here that will get the same message

suggest everyone take a close look at the attached image and understand this is how they work

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ok this is timely, while on the subject of tainted reviews this just landed in my inbox a few minutes ago, I'd guess there are probably others here that will get the same message

suggest everyone take a close look at the attached image and understand this is how they work

View attachment 24418

where do i sign up lol
where do i sign up lol

I think it's one of those 'don't call us, we'll call you' type deals, they seem to actively seek out who they want to promote their stuff, pretty sure some others here will get the same message sent, although this isn't gearbest in this case I'm sure the arrangement is much the same, talk nice about us and add a referral link and get paid
Seems like there is a concern on having links in signatures. That can be turned off across the board. Will likely make that change shortly. Hopefully that addresses the spam concerns.
Seems like there is a concern on having links in signatures. That can be turned off across the board. Will likely make that change shortly. Hopefully that addresses the spam concerns.

I don't mind removing the link to our site and facebook page, the other links I have are all reference material that I use often, can go without those if there's no way to fine tune what links will work and what won't, there are some that are pretty over the top with the link backs though which does make you think that posts happen just for the sake of getting their latest promo links out there
Seems like there is a concern on having links in signatures. That can be turned off across the board. Will likely make that change shortly. Hopefully that addresses the spam concerns.
Doesn't that remove links to reviews and DIY threads from user signatures or can you only do that for retailers/manufacturers?

Is there any legal reason not to suspend the account of said retailer in this forum ?

Just asking ... I do not know where this forum is based, but there are enough reasons to believe he is misusing this forum ... to get an advantage over competitors ...


Legal? No. This kind of thing is all up to @DashCamMan, the owner of this site.

I believe @DashCamMan has an ethical dilemma here as he benefits handsomely from the Gearbest affiliate links people click on when they visit Dash Cam Talk Forums, so I believe he has a certain motivation to be more tolerant of what we are witnessing than he might otherwise be. He is one of the parties who benefits from the Gearbest profit programs mentioned above. I don't suppose I will endear myself to him by bringing this fact up but as a three year member here who has been around from the very beginning and who has contributed a lot to this site and it's creation (the What Should I Buy? sub forum was my suggestion, for example) I am hopeful that DashCamTalk forums will continue to be the honest and unbiased kind of place that the increasing numbers of visitors and new members hope to encounter when they come to this place. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with a site operator making money from affiliate links, the question here is ethics and who one is dealing with and what they will allow when they moderate their forums.

I don't think Gearbest should necessarily be booted from this forum, but considering the growing negative groundswell, perhaps they should be put on notice to clean up their act.

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I don't mind removing the link to our site and facebook page, the other links I have are all reference material that I use often, can go without those if there's no way to fine tune what links will work and what won't, there are some that are pretty over the top with the link backs though which does make you think that posts happen just for the sake of getting their latest promo links out there

I think most vendors use their signature links in a very discrete way that is usually more useful than not and is generally un-spam like. I don't see anything wrong with it. What Gearbest does is a different matter.
It's interesting how this thread went from "Do not buy from Gearbest" to discussion of how they are doing business and what links they have and how big letters they have.
Talk about derailment of thread.
That was all along before this thread but now that has covered the original issue.
It's interesting how this thread when from "Do not buy from Gearbest" to discussion of how they are doing business and what links they have and how big letters they have.
Talk about derailment of thread.

I do not agree. It's part and parcel.
Legal? No. This kind of thing is all up to @DashCamMan, the owner of this site.

I believe @DashCamMan has an ethical dilemma here as he benefits handsomely from the Gearbest affiliate links people click on when they visit Dash Cam Talk Forums, so I believe he has a certain motivation to be more tolerant of what we are witnessing than he might otherwise be. He is one of the parties who benefits from the Gearbest profit programs mentioned above. I don't suppose I will endear myself to him by bringing this fact up but as a three year member here who has been around from the very beginning and who has contributed a lot to this site and it's creation (the What Should I Buy? sub forum was my suggestion, for example) I am hopeful that DashCamTalk forums will continue to be the honest and unbiased kind of place that the increasing numbers of visitors and new members hope to encounter when they come to this place. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with a site operator making money from affiliate links, the question here is ethics and who one is dealing with and what they will allow when they moderate their forums.

I don't think Gearbest should necessarily be booted from this forum, but considering the growing negative groundswell, perhaps they should be put on notice to clean up their act.

View attachment 24422

Thanks a lot for explaining me the situation :) Anyhow I am not a friend of buying in such unknown places ...

I will just ignore messages containing the word G...B... :cool:
I think most vendors use their signature links in a very discrete way that is usually more useful than not and is generally un-spam like. I don't see anything wrong with it. What Gearbest does is a different matter.

yeah I agree, I just don't know that it can be selectively fine tuned enough, it might be a case of all or nothing, if I have to lose my signature because of the way they carry on then so be it
I do not agree. It's part and parcel.
It's like a when someone screams at something in public, many scream just because.
One guy comes here and screams about a vendor's customer service and others jump the wagon to complain about other things.
Someone complaining about GB's customer service has nothing to do with their links and business practice (referrals, making money, links etc...).
Yes, that (OP's issue) should be resolved by/between vendor and buyer and that should have been the purpose of this thread.

Signature and links has nothing to do with someone coming here and screaming about purchase experience.

Forum rules and ethics is lumped on by few who wants to just complain whenever there is a chance.
It's unrelated regardless of what you say and would have been better as a separate thread in forum sites/suggestions or vendor feedback as it's own thread.
It's like a when someone screams at something in public, many scream just because.
One guy comes here and screams about a vendor's customer service and others jump the wagon to complain about other things.
Someone complaining about GB's customer service has nothing to do with their links and business practice.
Yes, that should be resolved by/between vendor and buyer and that's should have been the purpose of this thread.

Signature and links has nothing to do with someone coming here and screaming about purchase experience.

Forum rules and ethics is lumped on by few who wants to just complain whenever there is a chance.
It's unrelated regardless of what you say and would have been better as a separate thread in forum sites/suggestions or vendor feedback as it's own thread.

I think all this stuff has been brewing for quite awhile and that's why it is coming to the fore.

The title of this thread is "Do Not Buy From Gearbest". There are apparently many reasons for that sentiment.

Of course, people like you who are part of the very subject being complained about as Gearbest schills and profiteers will no doubt take issue.
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I think all this stuff has been brewing for quite awhile and that's why it is coming to the fore.

Of course, people like you who are part of the very subject being complained about as schills as profiteers will no doubt take issue.
That's what I'm saying, that issue was brewing for a while and no need to lump in a buyer's bad purchase thread.

Any complain about signature and font size could be easily handled by notifying admin.
You talk about having clean forum and you and few others here completely messed up this thread and few other threads by jumbling up the issues.
I'm not sure why a group of users here just are after GB like they are their born enemy as soon as someone new posts a negative thread when they themselves have never done any business.

Want to keep it clean?
Keep it to the issue.

I have no issue if admin wants to remove their links or all links or just talks to vendors about having a cleaner post but discussions should be about the original thread or change the thread title.
Don't climb on the back of unrelated thread to complain.
You want to complain, create a thread. I have no issue on that but few users just want to complain in each thread where GB is listed.
You have so much time to read each and every single thread that mentions GB and then post negative comments everywhere but you don't have time to suggest admin or create a thread so admin can take action?
Yes I don't mind how they post the links as it's not my thing to manage.
That's what I'm saying, that issue was brewing for a while and no need to lump in a buyer's bad purchase thread.

Any complain about signature and font size could be easily handled by notifying admin.
You talk about having clean forum and you and few others here completely messed up this thread and few other threads by jumbling up the issues.
I'm not sure why a group of users here just are after GB like they are their born enemy as soon as someone new posts a thread.
Want to keep it clean?
Keep it to the issue.

I have no issue if admin wants to remove their links or all links or just talks to vendors about having a cleaner post but discussions should be about the original thread or change the thread title.
Don't climb on the back of unrelated thread to complain.
You want to complain, create a thread. I have no issue on that but few users just want to complain in each thread where GB is listed.
You have so much time to read each and every single thread that mentions GB and then post negative comments everywhere but you don't have time to suggest admin or create a thread so admin can take action?
Yes I don't mind how they post the links as it's not my thing to manage.

What's the difference whether I mention these issues here or elsewhere?

As usual, you don't make an articulate case in your defense or address the actual issues being raised, as if for example the question is really font size, rather than the spamming that it really is.

Where did I mention a "clean forum" anyway?

"Keep it to the issue?" OK, ......DO NOT BUY FROM GEARBEST !!,.......the subject of the thread.
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