School bus driver can't be bothered to fully remove snow from Windshield

GTA Driver

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Greater Toronto Area
Dash Cam
Iroad 3300CH, G1W-c, Mobius C, A119 v1 & v3, A118-c2
Encounter a school bus with in early November only partially removed snow from the Windshield. The centre of the windshield was still covered with snow. As it was early November the driver or company may not have been prepared for this.

Driving with windows like this is dangerous and illegal in Ontario, but especially bad for a school bus where children as passengers and needing a clear front window to be able to observe children going on and off the bus.

I was shocked at the time for the but was unable to copy from my dashcam to a computer and then unfortunately forgot about this. I only saw this some later when looking in the event folder to look at another incident.

I have submitted a report to I will also submit this to the police.

Location: Islington and Albion, Etobicoke (Toronto), Ontario
Time: Date: November 2 at 8:36. Camera says 9:36, but clock was not adjusted to Daylight savings time
O wauu ! in so many ways :rolleyes:
Here is the windows batch file I used to create the video. All editing was done entirely in ffmpeg. This includes converting some still images (jpgs) to mp4.

The target files names are in numerical order in sequence of how I would like the video. Sadly the bus number is blurry.

set input=2020_1102_093619_053.MP4

set dir=schoolBus
md %dir%

FFmpeg  -y  -i %input%  -ss 00:00:17.0 -to 00:00:23.0 -c copy -copyts %dir%/tmp.01.MP4

set font=-vf drawtext="fontfile=/windows/fonts/ariel.ttf:
set text=text='Audio removed due to work related conversation':
set xy=x=30: y=1150:
set sizeClr=fontsize=75: fontcolor=black@0.9: box=1: boxcolor=white@0.9" -acodec copy
ffmpeg -y -i %dir%/tmp.01.MP4 -an  %font%  %text%  %xy%  %sizeClr% %dir%/01.mp4

del %dir%\tmp.01.MP4

FFmpeg  -y  -i %input% -an -ss 00:00:23.00 -to 00:00:28.0 -c copy -copyts %dir%/02.MP4

set input=10.jpg
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3.5 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/%input%.mp4

set input=11.jpg
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i %input% -c:v libx264 -t 3.5 -pix_fmt yuv420p  %dir%/%input%.mp4

cd %dir%

rem convert all mp4 files  to webm  using an encoding suitable for youtube
set ffm=ffmpeg -y -i
set filter= -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 32 -b:v 0 -threads 2 -quality good -speed 1 -c:a libvorbis
for %%i in (*.mp4) do  %ffm% %%i %filter%  tmp.%%i.webm

rem merge all temp webm files to one file
set target=schoolBus.webm
del  %target%
(for %%i in (*.webm) do @echo file '%%i') > mylist.txt 
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy %target%

rem remove all temp files
del tmp.* *.mp4 mylist.txt

cd ..