Set up mobius


New Member
Oct 27, 2015
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United States
Hi guys

So my mobius just arrived today from Banggoods. What should i do next? I read the support guide up there but It so confusing. Can someone help me how to set up the camera?

thank you very much
Can someone help me how to set up the camera?

You may find these settings helpful when using mSetup ...

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Don't click on 'Set Parameters' until you've visited all of the Tabs, but do click on 'Set Parameters' & not 'Exit', otherwise your selections won't be saved to the camera.
russ 331

the fourth page is the important one and I wouldn't advise leaving everything set at normal.

you can tweak it to give the vivid colours and depth of a yi with sharper image ..

tweak it for better night time vision..

the possibilities are endless and don't be scared of tweaking the colours in the bottom right corner
russ 331

the fourth page is the important one and I wouldn't advise leaving everything set at normal.

you can tweak it to give the vivid colours and depth of a yi with sharper image ..

tweak it for better night time vision..

the possibilities are endless and don't be scared of tweaking the colours in the bottom right corner

You have any suggestions for improving night captures?
still experimenting.. but I m at 22,0,25,19 custom red298,green 252, blue 370
I've settled to,
Sharpness +10
Exposure 0
Contrast 20 to high
Saturation 0
WDR on
Colour Option- Normal
WBalance auto
With DIY filter, daytime is above avg. Night, not good.
I have just had my 4 cameras delivered today for me and some friends, has anyone come to a good setting for both day and night?
I have just had my 4 cameras delivered today for me and some friends, has anyone come to a good setting for both day and night?

If it's a C2 lens, night shots will be acceptable on default settings. Mobius is so versatile you can play with settings to try to improve to your liking. If settings change is not to your liking, just set it back to default.
Suggest to leave it as is and have some recordings to compare to before you change settings.