SG9665GC Files


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
More than my wife thinks I need.
I've been testing my 'GC' for the last couple of days and just noticed something that looks a bit strange with the files being created. It looks like every time it shuts down it creates the expected 'short' file but following that it creates another 1 or 2 second file as well. In the attached screen capture see the files from 3/30 @ 10:31, 3/31 @ 11:11, 11:25, 11:31 and 4/1 @ 12:30 and 1:00 for examples.


Relevant details:

Set to 5 minute file size.
Power is from a 12v to 5v USB adapter (this one so it should have adequate power -
I'm running a G1W-H off the same adapter.
My car retains accessory power after the ignition is turned off until I open a door or 10 minutes whichever occurs first.

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's not related to GPS because I did not plug in the GPS unit until 3/31.

Before I start playing around trying to figure this out I'd like to know if anyone else has seen this.
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I have not notised this issue, but i am going for a drive tomorrow and it should have 4-6 start / stop events.
can you try it with 3 minutes segments and see if it does the same

haven't had any other reports of this issue but it maybe just something related to the 5 minute setting, we're doing firmware work at the moment so if there's something we need to look at we'll add it to the list
can you try it with 3 minutes segments and see if it does the same

haven't had any other reports of this issue but it maybe just something related to the 5 minute setting, we're doing firmware work at the moment so if there's something we need to look at we'll add it to the list
That's already one of the things I'm going to try.

Other things are:
- Use the provided 12V adapter
- Unplug the G1W-H
- 1 Minute segments

Any other suggestions?

I'm not able to do any of this until tomorrow.
- Unplug the G1W-H

there may be some relevance to this actually, I have noticed with some battery cameras if connected into the same power source as the capacitor camera it will get a bit of power back from the other camera at key off
Yeah i run 3 minute clips.
I dont think it have anything to do with the PSU used, if anything that should give boot problems as the screen are on in the start too so it use more power then.
I will try the 5 minute too tomorrow if i can remember to do so.
there may be some relevance to this actually, I have noticed with some battery cameras if connected into the same power source as the capacitor camera it will get a bit of power back from the other camera at key off
That was my thinking as well. I have to go out later tonight so that's something I can easily check.
there may be some relevance to this actually, I have noticed with some battery cameras if connected into the same power source as the capacitor camera it will get a bit of power back from the other camera at key off

I'm pretty sure that was the problem - feedback from the G1W-H through the 12v to 5v adapter. Disconnected the G1W-H and went through a couple of ignition on/off cycles and did not get the situation to recur. I have to do a bit of running around tomorrow so I'll do half of it with both cameras on and the other half with only the 'GC' to confirm.

This is a bit of a downer though because I was thinking about trying to use the G1W-H as a rear cam. Maybe I can find an adapter that prevents feedback.
I'm pretty sure that was the problem - feedback from the G1W-H through the 12v to 5v adapter. Disconnected the G1W-H and went through a couple of ignition on/off cycles and did not get the situation to recur. I have to do a bit of running around tomorrow so I'll do half of it with both cameras on and the other half with only the 'GC' to confirm....

OK, the G1W-H was not causing the problem. I disconnected it and am still able to get the short file to be created.

I now think it may have something to do with the way my car handles the 'retained accessory power' when the ignition is turned off.

To recap my car will retain power to accessories for up to 10 minutes after the ignition is turned off, or until a door is opened, whichever occurs first. What I've seen this morning (and I'll have to play with it a bit more to be sure) is if I shut off the ignition then open the door the short file is created. If I open the door first then shut off the ignition then no short file.

I need to try different scenarios and timings to get a handle on when it does or does not occur but at the moment it appears that some sequence of events is possibly causing a 'spike' on the accessory circuits causing the GC to start recording again. Now if it would just stop raining I can go out and mess with it some more.
ok, there's some logic to what you're saying about the way power is switched, is it causing any problem with those short files or is it more that are you just trying to understand why that pattern exists?
ok, there's some logic to what you're saying about the way power is switched, is it causing any problem with those short files or is it more that are you just trying to understand why that pattern exists?
A bit of both. I'd like to know why it's happening if nothing more than from an academic perspective - it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it other than opening the door before shutting off the ignition.

Functionally both files will play correctly - that being the last 'legitimate' file and the 'short' 1-second file so they are good MOV formats.

If I open both in RV they show in the timeline with a small delay between the two (see the screen capture) but when I play them this way the 'short' file will not play as part of the 'trip'. Open only the short file in RV and it plays correctly. I'm pretty sure that happens because both files have the same time stamp and that confuses RV.

At this point it's more of an academic exercise than a problem. I just happy that it's not related to having 2 cameras on the same 12v to 5v adapter.

We'll look into it anyway
About the only thing I can imagine doing at a firmware level is to delay the start up for a couple milliseconds so a short spike won't start the processing. Don't even know if that's possible.

Did a bit more playing with it today and the results are consistent with the G1W or without. If I open the door then shut off the ignition no short file is created - shut off ignition then open the door (thus terminating the RAP) I get the short file.

Thinking about this a bit I wonder if it could be something related to the 12v to 5v adapter? I've not run this scenario with the supplied lighter adapter.
....a little time passes....
I didn't want you to go chasing after a ghost so after typing my last sentence I went out and ran the process again this time using the supplied lighter adapter with the same results - ignition off then open door get the short file, open door then ignition off no short file. At least I've eliminated the 12v/5v adapter from consideration.

The time stamp on the short file is always 3 to 4 seconds after the time stamp at the end of the previous file if that's of any help. I went back and checked a number of other 'short' files and it's always the same 3 or 4 second difference.

I have no training in electronics but just wondering if it might be a capacitor (in the car not the camera) dumping it's charge causing a spike. Just thinking out loud here and not expecting an answer, or even speculation, about that.
....more time passes....
Since I have 2 GCs and the second one is still sitting here in the box I decided to see if the same thing happens with that camera as well. Took it out to the car and after it got a GPS fix I ran through the scenarios again using the lighter adapter. Got the same results, including the 3 to 4 second time stamp difference, so it's not something unique to the first camera.

Edit: Changed 'DAP' above to 'RAP' - damn fat fingers...
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Can you try the 15 second boot delay option and compare results?
OK. Just did it with the 2nd camera.

Same results. :( Again using the lighter adapter.

I was hoping that would be a quick fix.
If it was easy anyone would be doing it ;)
Before my next drive i will read thru here and see if there is somthing i can replicate here with my camera.
I do think i have mine set to 0 sec boot delay along with the 3 minute files.

Have you tried to power the camera via a USB power pack ? and then yank the plug from time to time to simulate key off / on

Im sure you have one of these in the car.

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If it was easy anyone would be doing it ;)

That's what I used to tell my boss when he would ask me why projects were taking so long. :rolleyes:

I do think i have mine set to 0 sec boot delay along with the 3 minute files.

Options on mine are 5, 15 and 30 seconds.

Have you tried to power the camera via a USB power pack ? and then yank the plug from time to time to simulate key off / on

I haven't but I can since I have a power pack sitting here right next to me (don't know why my wife insists I have too many toys...).

More to follow.