SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

I then expected the cam to take two images with exposures a few stops apart and then recombine the images to boost the low light areas and dull the bright ones.

after trialing this with some other hardware we're working on I don't think the positives outweigh the negatives at this point in time, it can do a great job with contrasting light sources to still see detail and I think it's a great thing for photography, when moving though it just ends up softening the picture far too often and taking the edge off the detail, maybe the technology will improve but based on what I've seen so far it's not the right solution for us, things change though so if it improves it's certainly something we would look at
Here is a quick clip running Beta 16 going in and out of tree cover. It definitely handles the changes much better than the previous release version - I had to set EV to -1/3 before to stop it washing out completely.

If the original file would be of interest, please let me know and I can upload it and PM a link.
v2, beta 19, CPL, CENTER weighted AE... I'm not sure what to make of this video, as it was completely overcast (and raining) while I was driving.

Youtube clip showing a _completely_ blown out sky (which, in reality, was an evil looking gray):

Raw source file:

I'm providing data without complaint here. Yes, the highlights are completely blown out, but at least I can (mostly) still see the road. I don't know what this would look like with "average" weighted AE (as this is the first time I've used the cam in this type of weather.)

Is this "center weighted" AE? Around 18 seconds in the youtube clip, it appears that the area near the center of the frame is very near blown out. It's almost as if it's acting like "spot metering" with the "spot" being a bit down from center.
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thanks for doing that, I really feel regardless that right now Average is going to be the best fit (that's why I selected it as the default setting) but the centre and low settings I intend to fine tune further to fit some specific usage types
Looks like PA and the Eastern part of Jutland in Denmark had the same weather today.
if you can update to the latest beta when you get a chance would be good

I have now. I had the SD card out to load the update file and just had a quick look through the footage and thought it might be of use as you'd mentioned their had been no IQ changes since 16.
People that drive through trees, let's test the "Center" AE option. I haven't seen that one in action yet.
You want trees? there you go:

Still on beta 16 BTW.

I find center fine and apart from some blocking around 1:02 and driving out of the tunnelpretty happy with the AE and sky colour.
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Here's some trees but only with average AE (as a comparison to center - also beta 16). Been busy the last week (father died) so haven't had a chance to update to the latest firmware. Will update over the weekend.
Here's some trees but only with average AE (as a comparison to center - also beta 16). Been busy the last week (father died) so haven't had a chance to update to the latest firmware. Will update over the weekend.

thanks for that, sorry to hear your news :(
thanks for that, sorry to hear your news :(
Thanks Rick. He'd been in a nursing home for years so we knew it was coming, still sucks though. That's life but.:confused:
Anyway, life goes on so I'm actually in the process of updating the firmware now so any vids captured over the weekend will be on beta 19 ;).
Center AE and beta 16.
Didn't see this before but the clouds are pulsating!

Waiting for to finish.
Center AE and beta 16.
Didn't see this before but the clouds are pulsating!

Waiting for to finish.

I think in your case where around a third of the frame is taken up by the front of your car and is fairly constant that the average setting would work better
Yeah, my other car doesn't show this, but then again I drive that in worse weather.

Upload failed.... oh well...
Back a few pages (, I posted the following video which was the v2b19 with average weighted AE, CPL, sunny day (but not driving into sunlight):

Here, I've posted the same physical location (as closely as I could crop the video) on a different day, with CENTER weighted AE. For this second video, the sky was very overcast - which makes comparing them harder. On the other hand, the way the sky is blowing out on this second one, you'd think it was bright sunlight...

Raw source for this second is available here:
Yesterday I received my new SG9665GC replacement unit (#5) which I flashed with v.19 firmware.

I was able to do some brief testing.

My first impression is that the camera's issues with exposure and high contrast lighting scenarios have been dramatically improved. On the whole I'm very pleased as many scenes look excellent and well balanced. However, under certain challenging lighting situations the camera seems to still manifest some of the same inability to handle high contrast lighting, especially with bright sunshine on the pavement with trees on either side of the road. Another thing I notice is a significant issue with macro blocking as you will see in this short clip. You'll notice that the macro blocking is mostly on the paved road surface and is worse during the problematic high contrast portions of the clip but then essentially disappears when the lighting becomes more balanced later in the clip as the sun goes behind the clouds and I am driving under flatter lighting. I'm a bit puzzled by the severe macro blocking issue which appears initially to be worse than any of the previous 4 GC units I've had.

The camera is set to the default "average" AE option. I think adjusting the camera to have slightly less hood in the FOV and a different exposure setting may well improve these results. Of course, I'll continue testing and will update my expereince.

GPS speed and time stamps seem to be fine and time zone is accurate.

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