SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Did I say it's an issue? Merely sharing something out of the ordinary. No need to get your knickers in a twist!
I'm not even waring any underware! :D

It was not a critisism, just a diagnosis. Looks like something wrong with the CPL or interaction between the CPL and any coating on the window. You see this effect as well if you have polarised sunglases on inside the car, mainly on rear windows though.
I'm not even waring any underware! :D

Not even remotely funny!

It was not a critisism, just a diagnosis. Looks like something wrong with the CPL or interaction between the CPL and any coating on the window. You see this effect as well if you have polarised sunglases on inside the car, mainly on rear windows though.

What ever it is, it's the SG and its CPL.

Didn't want to post these as it's not a valid comparison but just to make you understand where I'm coming from..

vlcsnap-2016-09-02-20h20m28s384.png vlcsnap-2016-09-02-20h18m21s153.png vlcsnap-2016-09-02-20h11m55s993.png

I'm no expert and neither have any malicious intent posting here, I own one of these too and if even the smallest thing reported can lead to improvement, I believe it's a win-win for all users.
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You feel attacked, there's no need for that.
I see optical effects, and since you posted it in the beta firmware thread I simply point out that the fix nor the cause will not be firmware.

Not even remotely funny!
Oh yes it was!
Not even remotely funny!

What ever it is, it's the SG and its CPL.

Didn't want to post these as it's not a valid comparison but just to make you understand where I'm coming from..

View attachment 25769 View attachment 25770 View attachment 25771

I'm no expert and neither have any malicious intent posting here, I own one of these too and if even the smallest thing reported can lead to improvement, I believe it's a win-win for all users.

Try tilting the Mobius down slightly and you will likely see a better exposed image. Of course, unlike the GC you have infinite custom exposure controls for the Mobius in the GUI as well.
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I'm using v26 version with default settings and noticed color changes. I've lost track what is reported and not, so please forgive me if this is a something already discussed. Here is a sample: mediafire
When you drive in sunny conditions the image is brighter than in a cloudy environment. Is it possible to brighten the image a bit in such situations (like the human eye does)?
We're constantly working on firmware updates for the camera and occasionally we've had some comments questioning what's happening, I guess thinking nothing is happening because they don't hear anything but that's pretty much because those involved in the betas don't really talk about it in public, sometimes you go backwards with a beta before you go forwards so it's not always positive when testing things

I think from memory we went through 17 betas before the last release but along the way there have been versions that were probably stable enough for those that wanted to give it a go, with this in mind we'll experiment with giving access to stable beta versions once we've done some initial testing for those that want to give it a try, it's likely that not every beta will get a wider release, as I said sometimes they go backwards before they go forwards, particularly if we're chasing a bug

As anyone that has updated since release would know we recently split the firmware into two versions based on production date as we changed some processes during production and the setup of the two versions is different in how the data is stored and accessed in ROM which neccessitated the different approach to firmware, the functionality of the versions is the same, just how the firmware is applied is different and means they are not cross compatible

As of now we're at the stage where our user base of the later .V2 firmware version is larger, and it's the way we're doing things now so for practical reasons all the beta development and testing is only happening on the .V2 firmware code, once changes are signed off we then apply the same changes to the earlier .002 firmware version code and those will only be available as release versions so anyone with the earlier firmware type models won't be able to participate in any pre release versions but will still see the same changes on release versions

With this in mind for anyone with .V2 type cameras (For camera serial numbers from SGGC-Bxxxxxxxx, Settings menu display version number SG20xxxxxx.V2) that wants to give it a try this is the current beta we're looking at now and have been using for the past few days, only a few small changes in this one but for anyone that wants to give it a try let us know but more importantly let us know if you come across any problems along the way

Things we need to specifically check in this version

Audio recording quality
Any GPS speed display errors, particularly in the first 3 seconds of new files
Center Weighted AE table performance under various lighting conditions

If for whatever reason you find it has issues for you it is always possible to roll back to prior versions of the firmware, links to previous versions, instructions etc are included in the download

Edit: added link to newer version, we are still working on some further changes, if you find a problem though please let us know
I am a new member but as a non member I have been following the posts about the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2...You mentioned in one your other posts that you are in the process of developing another DVR a bit similar to the A119. Can you tell me if I buy the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2 now, will it be sort of being phased out slowly being eventually replaced by this new production you now are working on? I am a little bit concerned about the performance of the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2. I have read most of Dashmellow's reviews regarding the exposure flaws and I am a bit hesitant to purchase this DVR. Can you tell me if this exposure problem has been fixed with the last firmware update? I am totalling being influenced by the claim that this is the best dash cam as per "Dash Cam talk"
If you buy in North America we have a 30 day return policy if you're not happy. (And 1 year replacement warranty) I don't recall anyone ever returning their GC due to AE/IQ opinions since the recent updates as the feedback has been very positive. GC isn't going anywhere any time soon
If you buy in North America we have a 30 day return policy if you're not happy. (And 1 year replacement warranty) I don't recall anyone ever returning their GC due to AE/IQ opinions since the recent updates as the feedback has been very positive. GC isn't going anywhere any time soon
Thank you for positive reply, I feel more at ease puchasing
I am a new member but as a non member I have been following the posts about the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2...You mentioned in one your other posts that you are in the process of developing another DVR a bit similar to the A119. Can you tell me if I buy the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2 now, will it be sort of being phased out slowly being eventually replaced by this new production you now are working on? I am a little bit concerned about the performance of the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2. I have read most of Dashmellow's reviews regarding the exposure flaws and I am a bit hesitant to purchase this DVR. Can you tell me if this exposure problem has been fixed with the last firmware update? I am totalling being influenced by the claim that this is the best dash cam as per "Dash Cam talk"

While I do believe that the SG9665GC does indeed have an inherent "flaw" that causes it to struggle with high dynamic range and high contrast situations, the most recent firmware beta has come a long way to finally addressing the issue after all this time. The problem is not "cured" by any means (and might never fully be due to the sensor/dsp that it uses) but further enhancements and ongoing improvements are in the works. One of the reasons I have hung in there with this camera is that it is otherwise extremely reliable and well made and the support is unbeatable. Unlike some other cameras I've owned the GC will always start when it is supposed to, it has never failed to record and for the most part it holds up very well to temperature extremes.

One important consideration for me in my complaint about this camera has to do with the camera's inherent difficulty in making the dynamic range transition from a darker shaded area into brighter lighting such as coming out of a tunnel or driving under an overpass. As I have tried to demonstrate the SG9665GC has had more difficulty with this than other cameras under identical circumstances. Since I live in a rural environment where I am constantly driving in and out from under canopies of trees every few seconds or minutes this has been a big problem. On top of this the camera is much more sensitive to vehicles that have dark colored hoods and this exacerbates the problem. I'm finding that the current firmware has made adjusting the camera's lens up or down with my dark vehicle hood a bit sensitive and tricky depending upon the situation but again, the most recent beta 26 Center Weighted exposure option has offered significant improvements over earlier versions. Sometimes the new firmware make things look too dark but I am confident that too will be addressed and in the meantime the footage is looking viable and much more balanced.

If you are driving a lighter colored vehicle and you do not live in an environment such as I do you are less likely to experience the sort of issues I have. Combined with the latest firmware you might not experience too many exposure issues at all.

I think you can buy this camera with confidence and if you are not happy after testing it out you can return it as @Pier28 has offered. If a newer camera is eventually introduced that is more to your liking you might just want to install the GC facing out the rear window of your vehicle. :)
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While I do believe that the SG9665GC does indeed have an inherent "flaw" that causes it to struggle with high dynamic range and high contrast situations, the most recent firmware beta has come a long way to finally addressing the issue after all this time. The problem is not "cured" by any means (and might never fully be due to the sensor/dsp that it uses) but further enhancements and ongoing improvements are in the works. One of the reasons I have hung in there with this camera is that it is otherwise extremely reliable and well made and the support is unbeatable. Unlike some other cameras I've owned the GC will always start when it is supposed to, it has never failed to record and for the most part it holds up very well to temperature extremes.

One important consideration for me in my complaint about this camera has to do with the camera's inherent difficulty in making the dynamic range transition from a darker shaded area into brighter lighting such as coming out of a tunnel or driving under an overpass. As I have tried to demonstrate the SG9665GC has had more difficulty with this than other cameras under identical circumstances. Since I live in a rural environment where I am constantly driving in and out from under canopies of trees every few seconds or minutes this has been a big problem. On top of this the camera is much more sensitive to vehicles that have dark colored hoods and this exacerbates the problem. I'm finding that the current firmware has made adjusting the camera's lens up or down with my dark vehicle hood a bit sensitive and tricky depending upon the situation but again, the most recent beta 26 Center Weighted exposure option has offered significant improvements over earlier versions. Sometimes the new firmware make things look too dark but I am confident that will be addressed and in the meantime the footage is looking viable and much more balanced.

If you are driving a lighter colored vehicle and you do not live in any environment such as I do you are less likely to experience the sort of issues I have. Combined with the latest firmware you might not experience too many exposure issues at all.

I think you can buy this camera with confidence and if you are not happy after testing it out you can return it as @Pier28 has offered. If a newer camera is eventually introduced that is more to your liking you might just want to install the GC facing out the rear window of your vehicle. :)
Good idea, never thought about placing it in the rear if it turned out not to my liking after the one month. A bit pricy for a rear DVR but that would solve the problem.
If you buy in North America we have a 30 day return policy if you're not happy. (And 1 year replacement warranty) I don't recall anyone ever returning their GC due to AE/IQ opinions since the recent updates as the feedback has been very positive. GC isn't going anywhere any time soon
Can you tell me if you know an ETA for the SG9665GC on Amazon.CA Canada?
Good idea, never thought about placing it in the rear if it turned out not to my liking after the one month. A bit pricy for a rear DVR but that would solve the problem.

No! You misunderstood my suggestion. My apologies if I didn't express myself well. If you don't like the camera I think you should return it. I was suggesting that if you do like it and keep it but eventually want the newest, latest, bestest offering from Street Guardian if it should later appear, THEN put your old SG9665GC in the rear.
No! You misunderstood my suggestion. My apologies if I didn't express myself well. If you don't like the camera I think you should return it. I was suggesting that if you do like it and keep it but eventually want the newest, latest, bestest offering from Street Guardian if it should later appear, THEN put your old SG9665GC in the rear.
If I did like it I would keep it in the front and not place it in the back. And I would not be in the market to buy another newer one. I did understand you, but if the camera seems ok the first month, but after the 30 days I cant return it so placing it in the rear makes good sense When the new model SG is released then I can place it in the back. Also the SG has to really be defective for me to return it. I don't like to return if it is just a firmware fix, I don't mind waiting for the fix to happen.
I am a little bit concerned about the performance of the Street Guardian SG9665GC v2. I have read most of Dashmellow's reviews regarding the exposure flaws and I am a bit hesitant to purchase this DVR.
unless you intend going into movie productions like some people here it is fine, and you'll love it if you use it for the purpose it is intended for.
unless you intend going into movie productions like some people here it is fine, and you'll love it if you use it for the purpose it is intended for.

I can't think of anyone here who has ever mentioned "going into movie productions" or even spoken of achieving picture perfect imagery.

The whole point of a dash cam is to preserve legally actionable evidence in the event of an incident. THAT is the issue at hand here. When most other dash cams can accomplish that with aplomb to one degree or another but when an expensive camera like the GC fails in comparison, there is a problem. Unfortunately, the fact is that the SG9665GC has been well documented (by multiple parties) to have had a bad habit under certain circumstances of rendering bright high contrast situations or transitions from shadow to bright conditions that are so blown out that the footage would be virtually useless for documentation in the event of a traffic incident. More recently, efforts to repair this flaw have created a new problem where footage under some conditions can be rendered so dark as to also fail to capture vital details of an event. Although these issues persist to some degree, happily they have been dramatically improved in the most recent beta 26 firmware.

An example of older firmware with completely blown out upper tonal range on snow.

A more recent example of unusually dark footage in an otherwise bright summer evening setting.

The new beta 26 firmware performing extremely well just yesterday in a situation where the camera previously would fail miserably.
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The whole point of a dash cam is to preserve legally actionable evidence in the event of an incident. THAT is the issue at hand here.
And I have some issues with that as well. Reflective licenceplates over here make it impossible to read them at night. I could try without the WDR, but I fear that it is an issue with all dashcams.
And when you pass the car so the plates are not in the beam, the exposure time at night is so long you motionblur it and then can't read it either.

I challenge anybody to read the plates on this car:
Original file available here: