SGGCX2 and clock time?


New Member
May 6, 2018
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United States
I have couple of basic questions about the clock in the SGGCX2:

- If you use the SGGCX2 without GPS, how does its clock keep track of time when the car power is off? Is it using the capacitor? If so, how long could it keep time while the power is off?

- If you use the GPS, does the SGGCX2 automatically adjust for daylight saving time?

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I'm a newbie to the forum.
No daylight savings. You have to set manually twice per year GMT time zone +/- 1h.
It has RTC battery to keep time/date.
Supercapacitors are saving last file.

Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
The RTC battery keeps time when the camera is off. Nothing drastic but from what I've experienced with other cameras that rely on RTC batteries, the time tends to drift by anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes after sometime, I'd recommend keeping the GPS on or at least turning it on every month or so.

No option to take Daylight Saving into account.
The tiny RTC Button battery should hold the correct date/time 4-6 weeks between next power up. GPS will keep the date/time in perfect sync long term. (just set the correct timezone)
The tiny RTC Button battery should hold the correct date/time 4-6 weeks between next power up. GPS will keep the date/time in perfect sync long term. (just set the correct timezone)

we rate it at 4 weeks, the longest time I've recorded so far has been 8 months
well if you have a fine SG product collecting dust for that long,,,,,, you should be ashamed :giggle:
I am a software engineer and I was thinking a nice upgrade to the clock function would be for Daylight Savings Time. I know that keeping track of areas of the country (or world) that do and do not use DST would be very difficult. But a simple fix would be an option the user can turn on or off, to add an hour in March and go back an hour in November, automatically. If they turn the option off (default) it does nothing, but if they turn it on it will be more accurate than trying to remember to make the switch twice a year. Set it and forget it. FWIW.
I am a software engineer and I was thinking a nice upgrade to the clock function would be for Daylight Savings Time. I know that keeping track of areas of the country (or world) that do and do not use DST would be very difficult. But a simple fix would be an option the user can turn on or off, to add an hour in March and go back an hour in November, automatically. If they turn the option off (default) it does nothing, but if they turn it on it will be more accurate than trying to remember to make the switch twice a year. Set it and forget it. FWIW.

sounds simple, it's not though, our DST is the opposite to yours, and ours are in October and April, there's no one size fits all solution unfortunately
It is possible (although not necessarily simple) to have a product such as the SGGCX2 automatically change the clock for daylight savings. There are regularly updated public domain databases of time zone daylight savings time locations (such as And with a GPS, the SGGCX2 always knows where it is, which could be used to identify both the country and the current time zone. This info could also be used to automatically change the clock when driving between time zones.
Since the unit knows where it is, it could use the brute force method I described (+/- an hour in October and April if in Australia, for example), or something more complex as Subacca described. But I think ignoring it and making (let's be honest) the vast majority of units off by an hour half of the year is not a good option either.
It is possible (although not necessarily simple) to have a product such as the SGGCX2 automatically change the clock for daylight savings. There are regularly updated public domain databases of time zone daylight savings time locations (such as And with a GPS, the SGGCX2 always knows where it is, which could be used to identify both the country and the current time zone. This info could also be used to automatically change the clock when driving between time zones.

I've done auto timezone in one of my products previously, it requires a huge database of co-ordinates and is not worth the trouble to implement, daylight savings adds another level of complexity as the dates aren't always fixed, not something we'll be doing again sorry
It seems there's no easy way to get everything about DST exactly correct, but even if there were two menu options, DST Ahead Month and DST Behind Month, each of which could be any month or off. It would be much closer to accurate than it currently is and would take 5 minutes to code. There are options between everything and nothing.
That got my vote, and its always nice to help other people, even if you yourself get something from it too.

Problem is stupid / silly are damn hard to abolish.
It seems there's no easy way to get everything about DST exactly correct, but even if there were two menu options, DST Ahead Month and DST Behind Month, each of which could be any month or off. It would be much closer to accurate than it currently is and would take 5 minutes to code. There are options between everything and nothing.

there's no point implementing a change that makes things close, but not accurate, that's still wrong, if we can't do something correctly then it's better to leave things as they are
there's no point implementing a change that makes things close, but not accurate, that's still wrong, if we can't do something correctly then it's better to leave things as they are
there's no point implementing a change that makes things close, but not accurate, that's still wrong, if we can't do something correctly then it's better to leave things as they are

unless the customer chooses the menu option and prefers it to be close rather than the way it currently is