Street Guardian SG9665GC vs Mini 0805

you'll exceed storage temps on some of these battery powered models
Ok, but does that affect battery life in the long run even if I cool it down before operating the camera?
Ok, but does that affect battery life in the long run even if I cool it down before operating the camera?

Well, the battery is still discharging slightly even when the camera is not operating but letting it cool down before powering it up and charging the battery is a plus. Nevertheless, just storing the battery under such high heat conditions will stress it, reduce its lifespan and will eventually damage it.
That's in direct exposure, not in the shade, right?
It will be for direct exposure, but it will be the air temperature inside the car. Your camera sitting in a south facing window will be heated directly by the sun and so much hotter than that. When I measured my dashboard at 98.6 C yesterday, the air temperature in the car was in the high 50s, my cameras sit under sun shields so not directly heated by the sun but sitting in the hottest air at the top of the car, maybe 58C. Without the sunshield then they would have been the same temperature as my mirror - over 90C on the front face, maybe 70C internally. Turn them on and you add around 15C.

Both batteries and capacitors degrade over time even if not powered, the more heat the faster they degrade, capacitors start off with a much longer lifespan though so will last longer than a battery given the same conditions.
Hi guys, just about to purchase my first dash cam and want to see if anyone here has thoughts on which one I should go for.

My requisites are:

- Less than $250 (AUD)
- Discreet
- Med to high quality image
- Reliable
- Good support if something goes wrong with it.

I can get the Street Guardian SG9665GC for around $235 locally or the Mini 0805 for $159 via an online (Australian) seller.

I've read that the guys at Street Guardian (specifically Jokiin) stand behind their products pretty well but don't know whether this is enough to make their more expensive cam worth going with.

Let me know what you think.


and what here still to think?
summary for choice here:
this is based on feedback and communication more than 15,000 users of the forum

Told my M8 to dig out his temp gun as i will be needing it for my heat stress test, the test is mainly run to see how my PSU handle powering 3 dashcams while its mounted in the glove compartment with no air circulating.

But for kicks i will offcourse allso mesure temps on running dashcams.

I am hoping for a cloudless day and 30 Deg C in the shade, and wind chill factor should be minimal. ( not that i think it will have anything to do for temperatures on things inside the car )
Also many people can't be bothered with putting the camera up and down every time they get in the car. They prefer a set it and forget it appliance with no possibility of forgetting to get it going before they drive. (potentially missing their moment of truth when it happens). That one time when you were an extra big rush is the time you'll regret not reinstalling the camera first.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned is how the color of your car will be a factor in how hot the interior gets. My indigo blue Toyota gets MUCH hotter inside than a friend's almost identical white version of the same vehicle.

The capacitor based Mobius camera(s) in my vehicle have been in service for well over a year, now heading into their second summer season. They have performed flawlessly and reliably in both extreme heat and bitter cold. They cost less than half the price of a SG9665GC. Sadly, the SG9665GC I purchased has been a disappointment so far in comparison.

Don't get lulled into believing the constant drumbeat of propaganda on DCT from certain retailers who will have you believe the SG9665GC is the only option if you want a reliable set-and-forget capacitor based camera with great video quality in hot weather.
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One thing that hasn't been mentioned is how the color of your car will be a factor in how hot the interior gets. My indigo blue Toyota gets MUCH hotter inside than a friend's almost identical white version of the same vehicle.

The capacitor based Mobius camera(s) in my vehicle have been in service for well over a year, now heading into their second summer season. They have performed flawlessly and reliably in both extreme heat and bitter cold. They cost less than half the price of a SG9665GC. Sadly, the SG9665GC I purchased has been a disappointment so far in comparison.

Don't get lulled into believing the constant drumbeat of propaganda on DCT from certain retailers who will have you believe the SG9665GC is the only option if you want a reliable set-and-forget capacitor based camera with great video quality in hot weather.

Yes black is extra hot for sure.

The unit you received was miss calibrated and slightly out of focus from the first batch. I will have new stock of the second batch this week and I promise the replacement I'm sending you will be perfect. Sorry for the disappointment and delay in getting you the new one sent. GC is definitely not the only option but we just did just receive a best of title on the front page of DashCamTalk. We hope to turn your disappointment around this week.
Yes black is extra hot for sure.

The unit you received was miss calibrated and slightly out of focus from the first batch. I will have new stock of the second batch this week and I promise the replacement I'm sending you will be perfect. Sorry for the disappointment and delay in getting you the new one sent. GC is definitely not the only option but we just did just receive a best of title on the front page of DashCamTalk. We hope to turn your disappointment around this week.

I had no intention of getting into the nitty gritty of my personal experience with the SG here in this thread and it is also unfortunate that you reply with even more propaganda and self promotion. I first contacted you via PM about the issues with my SG as a courtesy to you and Jokiin in an effort to be discreet about it. It could easily have remained that way and it is indeed amazing to me that the mere mention of a "disappointment" sends you into such a defensive posture. It wasn't necessary and probably wasn't a good idea really, I think. It is indeed true that when you promised me a replacement in May I didn't expect to not receive it until sometime in July based on what you told me at the time, but again, I chose not to mention or complain about that in this thread until now and wouldn't have, nor would I have gone into the specific flaws inherent in my unit. If my initial intention was to do so I would have done it earlier in this thread.

My response above was really intended as a direct answer to the query from the OP who asks, "I've read that the guys at Street Guardian (specifically Jokiin) stand behind their products pretty well but don't know whether this is enough to make their more expensive cam worth going with. Let me know what you think."

As for the camera, time will tell and I'm still keeping the faith, but so far, unfortunately, the SG is the worst performing dash cam I currently own. It has been difficult for me to listen to your non-stop self promotion and boasting about the camera while I sit here week after week with a camera that has focus and poor exposure issues. With no replacement on the horizon, I finally took it out of service and replaced it with the G1W-H I modified with a Mobius wide angle lens because the results are far superior regarding the edge to edge sharpness and fine details it allows me to capture and the camera's ability to deliver a properly exposed image.
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With no replacement on the horizon, I finally took it out of service and replaced it with the G1W-H I modified with a Mobius wide angle lens because the results are far superior regarding the edge to edge sharpness and fine details it allows me to capture and the camera's ability to deliver a properly exposed image.
After all what matters is that it does what it's supposed to do and well, even if it's a G1W-H.
while I sit here week after week with a camera that has focus and poor exposure issues. With no replacement on the horizon, .

apologies for the delay, our production got held up waiting on parts, Jon should have the current production version sometime next week and will be able to send your new one out then
apologies for the delay, our production got held up waiting on parts, Jon should have the current production version sometime next week and will be able to send your new one out then

Thank you, jokiin, I appreciate it. Before the other problems became evident with my unit since I purchased it three months ago I started out with a defective GPS module that required replacement, so this hasn't exactly been my best PQ experience purchasing a dash cam, especially a higher end model. Having said this, I consider it entirely understandable and normal for a small number of bad units to come off an assembly line or for there to be unanticipated delays in productions runs. I expect the issues with my camera will be sorted out.

I have tremendous respect for what you do and how you go about doing it, especially with the impartial and open approach you take on this forum, letting the quality of your products speak for themselves along with your regular encouragement and support towards your competitors. My impatience with regard to the situation with my particular unit has more to do with the part of my quote that you omitted that has to do with my increasing dismay with the relentless over-the-top self promotion, non-stop spamming despite the rules against it, sales pitching and gaming of this forum as a personal marketing tool that we are witnessing in virtually every corner of these forums by Pier28. I honestly don't believe this will serve your brand well in the long run.

It has indeed been hard to sit with an expensive camera I stopped using after three months of trying to somehow convince myself that, "it's not that bad" while hearing all the boasts about "world class service" and how it is "the best camera", regardless of its good reputation and what its ultimate quality may be when I finally receive a replacement unit.

Must be damm hard to have a product you have faith in and good personal experiences with, and then be carefull about shareing that with other ppl.

The posts about some one wanting the best dashcam out there have begun to frustrate me as i realised there is no singel super dash cam out there, to me its more a bunch of cameras with a range of form factors to choose from.

Seem like my default answer these days seem to be " cameras based on the Sony IMX322 CMOS seem to be the best performers", then again there is allso a couple of decent OV based cameras out there.

For a casual user like myself its hard to keep up, even just focussing on the supposed high end segment :rolleyes:
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Must be damm hard to have a product you have faith in and good personal experiences with, and then be carefull about shareing that with other ppl.

The posts about some one wanting the best dashcam out there have begun to frustrate me as i realised there is no singel super dash cam out there, to me its more a bunch of cameras with a range of form factors to choose from.

Seem like my default answer these days seem to be " cameras based on the Sony IMX322 CMOS seem to be the best performers", then again there is allso a couple of decent OV based cameras out there.

For a casual user like myself its hard to keep up, even just focussing on the supposed high end segment :rolleyes:

If you buy the cheap one that seems to usually work just fine and later on you decide to buy a "better" camera. Then the amount you spent in the inexpensive one won't hurt that much not to mention almost everyone who buys a better camera later on has a good use for the original cheaper camera. You can use it in another car or as the rear camera.

I didn't spend $200 on a camera. I only spent $120 on an 0806 and some extra accessories and I can tell you I wish I had purchased the lesser expensive yet still almost as good camera. I could have purchased 2 of them and the extra card for the same price and had a completely acceptable experience.

Regardless of which affordable one you buy the affordable part comes from all the truly countless corners these guys cut from quality control to firmware to after sales service and more.

No doubt when the more expensive camera won an award for best camera the camera used for review was supplied to the site and was double triple quadruple checked and maybe even ran custom firmware. It definitely was of the highest quality of any unit of the model. If the site had purchased it from a website without letting anyone know who they where and why they where buying they could have ended up with one of the not so awesome ones.

After reading what amounts to non stop advertisements from these guys I wouldn't touch that brand with a 10ft pole.

Jookin's original reply to the other posters minor mention of the brand is identical to the behavior you see from certain brands on Amazon and new-egg where they reply I'm sorry and this or that to every single negative review.

They don't understand westerners at all. You can't get away with non stop talk eventually you have to back it up. When anyone hears made in China this is exactly what we think about... People willing to make fake turbo chargers for a buck and say they are top notch nothing wrong super high end. The truth is we don't need you to say all these bogus things. We are so used to every Chinese product being marketed as the best premium premier high quality new for this week better than other brand device that we just disregard it all.

Jookin, your NOT helping yourself.

Everyone knows you just search for every time someone says the name of your product or a competitor and dive in with propaganda
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The SG9665GC did not win any "awards" for "best" camera. That is just @Pier28's hyperbole and unrelenting promotional propaganda campaign trying to leverage a longstanding DCT "rating" system into what he now describes as "award winning". There is no "award"! The SG was simply one of six to be recommended as "best" by the owner of this forum for a variety of diverse reasons.
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Everyone knows you just search for every time someone says the name of your product or a competitor and dive in with propaganda

You seem to have worked out I don't know anything about westerners, interesting analysis :) I just tell it like it is, good, bad or otherwise, if you think that's not the case then I can't really do much about that sorry
You seem to have worked out I don't know anything about westerners, interesting analysis :) I just tell it like it is, good, bad or otherwise, if you think that's not the case then I can't really do much about that sorry
Your reputation speaks for itself. Nothing more needs to be said.
This award winning member crack open a big ass smile :D

And given my current situation and mental health, those are not something i throw around for fun.
Jookin, your NOT helping yourself.

Everyone knows you just search for every time someone says the name of your product or a competitor and dive in with propaganda

I've made it very clear that I don't approve of the various heavy handed self promotional and marketing tactics Pier28 chronically engages in here at DCT and your remark in my view could very easily be applied to him but directing such statements towards @jokiin is inappropriate and entirely off target. There is not another dash cam manufacturer here on DashCamTalk, or perhaps anywhere, who has been more forthcoming or displayed more integrity than Jokiin. The success of his company and his products stands on this foundation, along with the uniquely high level of customer service and support provided by @Pier28 and the others in SG's distribution channels.

Ultimately, such integrity, the quality of the products and customer service is what is making the Street Guardian a success in the marketplace, whereas unrelenting self promotion, hyperbole, boasting, smearing of competitor's products and forum wide "spamming" will turn people off, create mistrust and lead customers elsewhere.
I've made it very clear that I don't approve of the various heavy handed self promotional and marketing tactics Pier28 chronically engages in here at DCT and your remark in my view could very easily be applied to him but directing such statements towards @jokiin is inappropriate and entirely off target. There is not another dash cam manufacturer here on DashCamTalk, or perhaps anywhere, who has been more forthcoming or displayed more integrity than Jokiin. The success of his company and his products stands on this foundation, along with the uniquely high level of customer service and support provided by @Pier28 and the others in SG's distribution channels.

Ultimately, such integrity, the quality of the products and customer service is what is making the Street Guardian a success in the marketplace, whereas unrelenting self promotion, hyperbole, boasting, smearing of competitor's products and forum wide "spamming" will turn people off, create mistrust and lead customers elsewhere.