Street Guardian SGGCX2 – (2018 New Model)

I never take mine off either

Same here, really nowadays night performance dont take a that bad hit, and besides with or without night performance ate not when i would like it to be so either way are fine.

I even have CPL on my DC rear camera.
You don't actually need a "circular" polarizer. A linear one, which is typically cheaper, works fine with our cameras since they don't have an internal mirror like a traditional SLR camera. Regardless, adding a polarizer will cut at least 50% of the incoming light so using fast lens is even more important. Of course, installing in the proper orientation is also critical. With the circular ones, there is also a front and back to worry about.

The one that comes with the SGGCX2 is a high quality circular I think. Very nice that they included such a nice unit. (y)
What's the clicking of the tilting camera useful for?

Edit: the serial number sticker seems to prevent easy detachment of the main unit from the base, just ripped the sticker a bit when taking it apart again on the desk.
About which part?
By clicking I mean that when I tilt the lens, after enough movement it starts to make clicking noises, when tilting further. Doesn't seem to affect the force required to tilt though.
There's a mechanism inside, it's a set and forget type thing though, just position as needed when you have it installed and leave it at that
You don't actually need a "circular" polarizer. A linear one, which is typically cheaper, works fine with our cameras since they don't have an internal mirror like a traditional SLR camera....
Absolutely correct.
I wonder why youtube haven't ruined your recording that bad, most times they kill whatever i upload.
Any reason why the acceleration data isn't logged into the video at all times, but only at the beginning of the recording session before GPS lock is received?
It's not logged at all, if you mean the spikes you see in Registrator Viewer those aren't anything, it's a bug in the program
But why isn't it logged?
Been sitting at this computer most of the day, think I may be sold on this model camera. Was looking for something I can use a suction cup mount and have this good of quality video. Occasionally I have to hop in a company truck for a day and wanted an actual dash cam. My GoPro Hero2 does an OK job, but it easily succumbs to the heat, even in the shade when the truck is parked for lunch.
We had a little more blue sky today, still 30 degrees.
Getting close to the temp I like. Me and the cold do not get along at all. The wife like it 23 in the house by your scale. At that point I am under 3 layers and one is electric to be able to sleep.
I have the 9665GC v3. Does the mount, power, and GPS antenna translate over directly, if I pick up an X2? Thinking about moving my 9665GC to the woman’s car and getting an X2 for mine if I do thane to swap mounts or any components.
Just got mine in today. When I opened the box I was WOW. No mater how many pictures I had seen of it, I didn't realize how tiny this camera is. Looking forward to trying it out when I have the time to tinker.
Just got mine in today. When I opened the box I was WOW. No mater how many pictures I had seen of it, I didn't realize how tiny this camera is. Looking forward to trying it out when I have the time to tinker.
I'll hopefully be in the same boat as you on Tuesday/Wednesday!
With the wife around, I don't get to tinker much. Trying different cards and video settings to see what I like. I am running a usb power bank for now, easier than the cigarette socket. I'll be using the camera in other vehicles I drive occasionally.
I am also still learning how to post pictures in this forum. some I posted earlier were too big visually.


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Happy with mine, the reflections seem pretty bad on my windscreen but happy with record quality. Hardwired using the kit , all provided from HiNiko (@niko ) - Excellent service!