The Viofo a139 camera freezes and gets hot when it's sunny

Currently running off a cellink B with the original viofo cig lighter adapter. I can't be sure it's heat I must admit, but at least one time the cellink still had a lot of charge left.

I will start checking the footage each day to see when it turns off. I also have a little switch box in line which I will take out as it's not currently needed.

Maybe I will upgrade to the A229 Plus, will have to check the reviews to see if I think it is worth it.
Checked it lunchtime today, car is very hot, facing south. Dashcam was off, pressed power button and connected to wifi.

Looks like it was in parking mode from about 8:30am to 9:30am then no more.

Don't think the cellink run out because I was able to use it on wifi for about 10 mins

Left it to see how it goes.
So that after that it went for 25mins or so and then shut down.

Tuesday I parked in an underground car park and the camera was still running after 7.5 hours.

Wednesday unfortuately I ended up parking outside south facing, parked up around 09:15am, camera shut down after 1.5 hours or so.

Inside the car it was seriously hot - Trying to take my steering lock off I really needed oven gloves

So I don't really blame the dashcam, I think any would shut down in those conditions.

Back in 2019 we had some very hot summer days and I don't remember my A129 Duo ever shutting down. I don't know if that design is better or it may have been due to the direction of the windscreen when parked.

I am going to see if I can reposition the camera again, so the main unit is on the windscreen frit.