Unable to record


New Member
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
Nottingham U.K.
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Joovuu x
Hello everyone.

I am totally new to dashcams,I bought a mobius because of a near miss accident.
The cam arrived from Joovuu, and after downloading the msetup program I downloaded the config file to the 32gb Sandisc card I then connected the cam to my laptop, after setting all the parameters I uploaded to the mobius the config file, but the cam does not record to the memory card even though I set to auto record in both mode 1 and 2. the led next to the "M" button flash's about once a second
Tried in the car and it switches on O.K and create's a file DCIM on the card, but will not save to the memory card.
Am I doing something totally stupid.
Sorry missed uploading this config

Date format=[1];set date format,0:YYYY/MM/DD, 1:DD/MM/YYYY, 2:MM/DD/YYYY
Date time=[23/02/2015-14:13:53];date time setting,yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss,dd/mm/yyyy-hh:mm:ss,or mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss

Default Mode=[0];set power-on default mode,0:Video Mode 1,1:Video Mode 2,2:Photo Mode

Movie Resolution=[1];0:1080p(Wide AOV),1:1080p(Narrow AOV),2:720p(Wide AOV),3:720p(Narrow AOV),4:WVGA (Wide AOV), 5:WVGA (Narrow AOV),
Movie Frame Rate=[3];1:60fps (only for wvga and 720p Narrow AOV),2:50fps (only for wvga and 720p Narrow AOV),3:30fps,4:25 fps,5:20 fps,6:15 fps,7:10 fps,8:5 fps,
Movie Time Lapse Record=[0];0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:Custom
Movie Time Lapse Record Customized Value=[1] ; in minutes, values from 1 to 1440 (1 day)
Movie Sound=[1];set movie sound,0:Mute,1:On,
Movie Cycle time=[1];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[1];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie Flip=[1];set movie rotate,0:off,1:on,
Movie Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie quality=[1];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[0];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,2:Enhanced Brightness,
Movie file format=[0];set movie file format,0:MOV,1:AVI,2:MP4,3:WAV (Sound Only)

Movie Resolution=[1];0:1080p(Wide AOV),1:1080p(Narrow AOV),2:720p(Wide AOV),3:720p(Narrow AOV),4:WVGA (Wide AOV), 5:WVGA (Narrow AOV),
Movie Frame Rate=[3];1:60fps (only for wvga and 720p Narrow AOV),2:50fps (only for wvga and 720p Narrow AOV),3:30fps,4:25 fps,5:20 fps,6:15 fps,7:10 fps,8:5 fps,
Movie Time Lapse Record=[0];0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:Custom
Movie Time Lapse Record Customized Value=[1] ; in minutes, values from 1 to 1440 (1 day)
Movie Sound=[1];set movie sound,0:Mute,1:On,
Movie Cycle time=[1];movie cycle time,0:3 minutes,1:5 minutes,2:10 minutes,3:15 minutes,4:max to 4G byte,
Movie Loop Recording=[1];set loop recording on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie Flip=[1];set movie rotate,0:off,1:on,
Movie Time stamp=[1];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,
Movie quality=[1];set movie quality,set movie data rate,0:Super,1:Standard,2:Low,
Movie high dynamic range=[0];set movie high dynamic range,0:off,1:on,2:Enhanced Brightness,
Movie file format=[0];set movie file format,0:MOV,1:AVI,2:MP4,3:WAV (Sound Only)

Photo Mode Capture Size=[0];set photo size,0:2304x1536,1:1920x1080,2:1280x720,3:848x480
Photo Set Time Lapse Shooting=[0],0:off,1:0.25s,2:0.5s,3:1s,4:2s,5:5s,6:10s,7:30s,8:Custom
Photo Time Lapse Shooting Customized Value=[10] ; in minutes, values from 1 to 43,200 (30 days)
When time lapse shooting set to 5Min or above, Mobius will work in power saving mode (auto turns on/off).
Photo Flip=[1];set Photo rotate,0:off,1:flip on
Photo Time stamp=[0];set date/time stamp on or off,0:off,1:on,

Power on=[1];set system power on time,0:delay,1:fast
Power off=[0];set system auto power off time when system pending,0:off,1:30 seconds,2:1 minutes,3:2 minutes,
Auto Record with External Power=[1];set connect with power to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
One Power Button to Auto Record=[1];set press power key to start video recording automatically,0:off,1:on,
Auto Off with External Power disconnected=[1],0:Immediately,1:delay 10s;2:record to low battery power off,
LED=[1];set LED flicker when recording,0:off,1:on,
Charge from USB Host=[0]; when connecting with USB host, charge camera or not,0:on,1:off
Lens option =[0];select lens,0:lens A,1:lens B,2:lens C
Light frequency =[0];set light source frequency,0:50 HZ,1:60 HZ
Web camera mode =[1];set web camera mode,0:USB video class(Mjpg codec),1:USB video and audio class(H.264 codec)
Web camera Flip=[1];set web camera rotate,0:off,1:flip on

TV out=[1];set Tv out,0:NTSC,1:PAL,
TV Display Ratio=[0];set display ratio,0:4*3,1:16*9
TF card format filesystem=[0];format TF card to FAT32 or exFAT,0:FAT32,1:exFAT

Motion Detect=[0];set motion detect,0:off,1:on
Motion Detect Timeout=[2];set motion detect timeout,0:5s,1:15s,2:30s,3:60s
Motion Detect Sensitivity=[0];set motion detect Sensitivity,0:high,1:nomal,2:low

Enable Manual AE Lock or AWB Lock = [0]; 0: Not enabled; 1: AE Lock and AWB Lock; 2: AE Lock only; 3: AWB Lock only.
(Long 3 sec. Mode button press required to turn AEL or AWBL on)
White Balance=[0];Set White Balance,0:Auto,1:Sunny,2:Cloudy,3:Tungsten,4:Fluorescent,5:Custom WB1,6:Custom WB2,7:Custom WB3
Sunny(5000-6500K) used for sunny with clear sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=368);
Cloudy(9000-10000K) used for shade or heavily overcast sky(Rgain=301,Ggain=256,Bgain=384);
Tungsten(2500-3500K) used for Tungsten bulb (or called Incandescent light)(Rgain=184,Ggain=256,Bgain=711);
Fluorescent(4000-5000K) used for fluorescent lamps(Rgain=333,Ggain=256,Bgain=525);
Customized White Balance 1 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 2 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Customized White Balance 3 Red Gain=[256],Green Gain=[256],Blue Gain=[256];
Set red ,green,blue gain,256 is 1x gain,value from 100 to 999;

Color Effect=[0];Set Color Effect,0:Standard,1:Mono,2:Sepia,3:Cool,4:Cooler,5:Warm,6:Warmer,7:Vivid
Exposure Value= [0] ;Exposure compensation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Contrast= [0] ;Set Contrast,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Saturation= [0] ;Set Image Saturation,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,
Sharpness= [0] ;Set Image Sharpness,values from -128 to +128,In 1 increments,default value is 0,

{TLCAM MOV:TLCAM Mobius ActionCam 2015/02/04 v2.33}
Hello everyone.

I am totally new to dashcams,I bought a mobius because of a near miss accident.
The cam arrived from Joovuu, and after downloading the msetup program I downloaded the config file to the 32gb Sandisc card I then connected the cam to my laptop, after setting all the parameters I uploaded to the mobius the config file, but the cam does not record to the memory card even though I set to auto record in both mode 1 and 2. the led next to the "M" button flash's about once a second
Tried in the car and it switches on O.K and create's a file DCIM on the card, but will not save to the memory card.
Am I doing something totally stupid.
First of all, if you use mSetup then you DO NOT need a config file. Get rid of it! The easiest way is to launch mSetup, select the camera, click the Tools button and then click the Format button.
Now disconnect your camera for a few seconds and then reconnect it. Start mSetup if it isn't already running and set the the parameters, not forgetting to click the Set Parameters button when you're finished.
You only need the config file if you have a Mac or run linux or want to set the parameters by hand using a text editor

The Sandisk card is the worst choice you made! If you can't record, then the card is almost certainly your problem. Sandisk cards will always fail at some time but it appears that your card has failed from the start. It may work now that you have formatted it, but don't expect the card to be reliable. Kingston class 4 are the most compatible cards to use in the Mobius.
First of all, if you use mSetup then you DO NOT need a config file. Get rid of it! The easiest way is to launch mSetup, select the camera, click the Tools button and then click the Format button.
Now disconnect your camera for a few seconds and then reconnect it. Start mSetup if it isn't already running and set the the parameters, not forgetting to click the Set Parameters button when you're finished.
You only need the config file if you have a Mac or run linux or want to set the parameters by hand using a text editor

The Sandisk card is the worst choice you made! If you can't record, then the card is almost certainly your problem. Sandisk cards will always fail at some time but it appears that your card has failed from the start. It may work now that you have formatted it, but don't expect the card to be reliable. Kingston class 4 are the most compatible cards to use in the Mobius.

Thanks Isoprop for reply

I have now done as you suggest for setting the parameters, and decided just to be awkward to change every setting and then back to what I want the settings to be and tried it in the car and it recorded perfectly.
I will do as you say and get a different memory card as well.

Thank you
The Sandisk card is the worst choice you made! If you can't record, then the card is almost certainly your problem. Sandisk cards will always fail at some time but it appears that your card has failed from the start. It may work now that you have formatted it, but don't expect the card to be reliable. Kingston class 4 are the most compatible cards to use in the Mobius.

I can buy a transcend class 10 for less than a kingston class 4. I have read several times that sandisk does not last. I also saw the newer samsung was having issues. Is there a legitimate reason to buy the kingston class 4 over a transcend class 10 for a mobius? If so what is it?
I can buy a transcend class 10 for less than a kingston class 4. I have read several times that sandisk does not last. I also saw the newer samsung was having issues. Is there a legitimate reason to buy the kingston class 4 over a transcend class 10 for a mobius? If so what is it?
Transcend cards aren't as common as Kingston and Sandisk so not many people have used them. So far, I have not heard anything negative about them. Kingston are recommended by the developer and are also my preferred brand for stability. However, I have not tested Transcend.
There are two Transcend cards that have flipped over to read only in the X2 thread in the last couple of days - maybe a bad batch but the same problem that the Sandisk cards have.
There are two Transcend cards that have flipped over to read only in the X2 thread in the last couple of days - maybe a bad batch but the same problem that the Sandisk cards have.
Thanks for posting this information - it's new to me. Maybe they're now using OEM Sandisk?
Haha you never know - card failures are like buses these days - you wait ages for one and then two turn up at once :)

I'm still waiting for my first one to go! It'll happen any day now I've said that!
Have there been reported kingston failures? I can only imagine that every single electronic part made (sd cards included) will have failures if produced in large enough numbers.
...tried it in the car and it recorded perfectly. I will do as you say and get a different memory card as well.

As it's now working perfectly, there's no need to buy another card, though it's a good idea to have a spare card handy.

My rear facing Mobius uses a 16GB Class 4 SanDisk. No problems. If I were buying a new card I'd avoid the brand, however, I've already got one & it's working well for me.
Rather than start a new thread, I'm asking in here.

Does the capacitor work as long as the battery, it seems that even though I have changed to the capacitor and charged overnight from a 1000ma-5v source it seems to shut down almost straight away after switching on without the external connection.With the battery back in everything works just great.
Capacitor would run for about 10 seconds tops, if you were thinking it would work like a battery you've misunderstood what the capacitor is all about, it is there for file save and shutdown only
Yes I did misunderstand the use of the capacitor, I think in my case I will use the battery.

Thanks for your answer Street Guardian.
[Quote = "ahalfor, post: 123208, lid: 12623"] Hallo iedereen.

Ik ben helemaal nieuw voor dashcams, kocht ik een Mobius vanwege een bijna-ongeluk.
De nok aangekomen uit Joovuu, en na het downloaden van de msetup programma downloadde ik het configuratiebestand naar de 32gb Sandisc kaart heb ik aangesloten dan is de cam aan mijn laptop, na het instellen van alle parameters ik geüpload naar de Mobius het configuratiebestand, maar de nok niet opnemen op de geheugenkaart, zelfs al heb ik ingesteld op automatisch opnemen in zowel de modus 1 en 2. de LED naast de toets "M" flitser is ongeveer een keer per seconde
Probeerde in de auto en schakelt op OK en maak een bestand DCIM op de kaart, maar zal niet opslaan op de geheugenkaart.
Doe ik iets heel stoms. [/ QUOTE]

Hallo iedereen,

Sandisk werkt niet in de Mobius (zegt mijn dealer) en het advies van mijn dealer is de Kingston 32 GB Class 4 micro-kaart, want dat is de kaart waar deze test de Mobius camera's met.
Ik kocht mezelf de Mobius camera 1080 HD actie Camera Standard Lens set (V3 PCB)
Ik had precies dezelfde problemen die u beschrijft.
Gelukkig voor mij mijn college kocht een GO-PRO met 2 x 64 GB micro-kaarten van Fujifilm.
Ik probeerde de Fujifilm 64GB kaart in Een JS5000 actie Cam, sterven Niet werkte (Maximaal 32 GB)
Daarna heb ik geprobeerd de Fujifilm 64 GB kaart in de Mobius, het afvragen goed werkt perfect. Je moet de configuraties op een Micro Card groter dan 32 GB te veranderen en dan werkt het voor mij.
Ik hoepel haar werken ook voor iedereen die eigenaar is van een Mobius camera, veel geluk.

Fujifilm 64 GB micro Card for Mobius.jpg

Wim de Brouwer, Nederland
Hello everyone.

I am totally new to dashcams,I bought a mobius because of a near miss accident.
The cam arrived from Joovuu, and after downloading the msetup program I downloaded the config file to the 32gb Sandisc card I then connected the cam to my laptop, after setting all the parameters I uploaded to the mobius the config file, but the cam does not record to the memory card even though I set to auto record in both mode 1 and 2. the led next to the "M" button flash's about once a second
Tried in the car and it switches on O.K and create's a file DCIM on the card, but will not save to the memory card.
Am I doing something totally stupid.