using static sticker on rear window?


Active Member
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Planning to install a rear dashcam and was wondering if it's ok to use a static sticker on the rear window to attach the dashcam to. Would it cause an issue if the static sticker overlapped with the defroster wires, either with the defroster function or possibly damaging the defroster wires if removing the static sticker later?

Also, I just realized that the defroster wires will probably appear in the recorded video of a rear dashcam. Could this cause focusing problems? I guess there may be no way to avoid this besides trying to mount the dashcam somewhere where the defroster wires aren't in too much of the dashcam's view.
I wouldn't put the static sticker over a heating wire, it quite likely will let air get under the sticker and then it won't stick, cut the sticker to fit between the wires, you ideally want it slightly larger than the camera mount that sticks to it, but it only needs 5mm border, 1cm if you can manage it. The standard stickers are far larger than needed.

No problem with damage, except possibly if you stick the sticky pad direct to the wire and then have to cut it off.

No focussing issues, dashcams are fixed focus, and the wires will be very out of focus, so are not normally an issue, but try to look between the wires at plate reading height.