Video Time Laspe mode NOT looping


New Member
Aug 1, 2015
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Dash Cam
Anybody got the Mobius camera looping in video Time Lapse mode? I have tried everything and it does not work! I have the latest firmware v2.37 and the latest mSetup software. The GUI allows me to select time lapse mode AND looping mode so I assume that it’s possible. I have tried a 16Gb, 32Gb and 64Gb card (class 4 and class10). I have also tried to format the card in FAT32 and EXFAT without success . I have tested my cards with H2TESTW and they are all good. I also tried 0.25s and 1s time laspse and it never loops. Any ideas? Thanks!
Perhaps with it a different mode than video, the 'basic' settings aren't applied on 'photo'- I really don't know. If the cam functions correctly saving files in 'video' mode, then the card won't be a problem.

Hang in here and Isoprop or someone else who knows should come along soon to give you an answer.

Perhaps with it a different mode than video, the 'basic' settings aren't applied on 'photo'- I really don't know. If the cam functions correctly saving files in 'video' mode, then the card won't be a problem.

Hang in here and Isoprop or someone else who knows should come along soon to give you an answer.

Thanks for your reply:)
The ActionCam is useless as a drive recorder because, when set to “Loop Recording”, it will only loop AFTER it first fills the MicroSD card. This then leaves the card full and the next time you turn it on it will not record at all.
This is done by design (documented in the setup program) and is not a bug.
I have been in contact with the company directly and they show little interest in addressing the issue.
The device is also super sensitive to connecting and disconnecting from a PC. It often gets into a state where it simply does not write to the MicroSD card, though the indicator lights seem to show normal operation. The only solution to this is a full format, which takes quite a while. I have had to do this four times already in just one week!
If by "Doing something wrong" you mean "Switching it on and allowing it to function", then you are probably right!
Judging by the wrath if mysterious dysfunction other users are reporting on this forum and others, combined with the hyper-sensitivity to the exact type and format of memory card, this great piece of hardware is severely let down by its software.
I shall certainly not be recommending it to others.
The ActionCam is useless as a drive recorder because, when set to “Loop Recording”, it will only loop AFTER it first fills the MicroSD card. This then leaves the card full and the next time you turn it on it will not record at all.
This is done by design (documented in the setup program) and is not a bug.
I have been in contact with the company directly and they show little interest in addressing the issue.
The device is also super sensitive to connecting and disconnecting from a PC. It often gets into a state where it simply does not write to the MicroSD card, though the indicator lights seem to show normal operation. The only solution to this is a full format, which takes quite a while. I have had to do this four times already in just one week!

I have no such problem with mine. As a dashcam or action cam. Only problem I had was first time using it with a sd card from ebay which this forum and Isoprop's prompt reply solved. I have upgraded FW 3 times, now running the latest FW 2.37. Played with settings every other day on the first month of ownership. Finally settled to all default settings and all working to my satisfaction. Only problem I had was when I adjust focus. I disconnected battery, adjust focus and use it. Camera then didn't record. Just booted up (yellow led blinked 3 times) then steady red led. Connect it to PC. to Msetup and found that all my settings went to default ( disconnecting the battery does that). Set setting again and everything works well and have never missed a beat.
I suspect you have set yours to record on MP4 with will not loop record.
are you trying to time lapse though, that's not dashcam functionality

they've shipped tens of thousands of these things and it's a stable product, use each function as intended though, time lapse is not a dashcam function, saying it's useless as a drive recorder is a long way from being correct
Stable product? Are you serious?
Their own website goes to pains to explain its sensitivity to MicroSD card type and format.
A brief look through this forum, and a quick Google search, reveals how many people have problems with this device.
The number of firmware updates alone tell you the state of development.
The company is basically using the public at large to do it's field testing.
the number of updates tell you the amount of improvement, seriously go and buy other similar looking devices and see how far behind they are

memory cards are not all created equally, the largest problem for most is people buying fake or low grade memory based on price and then think the camera is at fault
The number of updates tells you the lack of pre-production testing. You don't find GoPro users having to do firmware updates to get their product working. Any company worth its salt sees a post-production firmware upgrade as a serious failure. And I'm not talking about some cheap backstreet operation in China here.

Seriously, you simply do not find other manufacturers making products incompatible with so many memory cards. Card compatibility is a relative rarity. "Fake cards" is just a red herring. We are talking about cards from mainstream vendors here.
Thanks for your reply:)

Hi everyone, I’m the one who started this discussion. Thank you for your interest. I own a few of these Mobius cameras and in I’m very satisfied considering the price! I am probably among the few one who’s using it in Time Lapse mode. I use one Mobius as a dashcam in NORMAL video mode and it loop perfectly. I use another one as a security camera in Video Time Lapse mode and there comes the problem, it does NOT loop! I have googled a lot but never found an answer and then I found this active forum :)…. I must not be the only one who encounters this problem! So I just wonder if it works for someone ? If not, maybe the Mobius GUI Setup program should NOT ALLOW the user to select LOOP mode with TIME LAPSE and VIDEO !!! :confused:
For anyone thinking about using this piece of CRAP in loop mode, think twice about it. About a year ago I bought 3 of the cameras, 2 for my car, one for my bike. I set up for loop mode. I actually never gave it a thought that the camera would not do what it say it would do: "loop". I expected that one day when I needed it, I would have a record of what I needed. Thank god I never actually had too. For the first time, the other day I decided to find something interesting I had seen earlier during my bike ride. It was NOT there. The last time the camera recorded/saved anything was months ago - same thing for the other 2 cameras in my car.

Of course, I have verified that the software is updated and settings on the camera are correct. I even ordred new CLASS 10 cards. Nothing I do will get ANY of my 3 cameras to loop. When the card gets full, it stops. Pieces of CRAP - Mobius is. In other words, useless as a dash cam.
For anyone thinking about using this piece of CRAP in loop mode, think twice about it. About a year ago I bought 3 of the cameras, 2 for my car, one for my bike. I set up for loop mode. I actually never gave it a thought that the camera would not do what it say it would do: "loop". I expected that one day when I needed it, I would have a record of what I needed. Thank god I never actually had too. For the first time, the other day I decided to find something interesting I had seen earlier during my bike ride. It was NOT there. The last time the camera recorded/saved anything was months ago - same thing for the other 2 cameras in my car.

Of course, I have verified that the software is updated and settings on the camera are correct. I even ordred new CLASS 10 cards. Nothing I do will get ANY of my 3 cameras to loop. When the card gets full, it stops. Pieces of CRAP - Mobius is. In other words, useless as a dash cam.

It would be interesting to see your settings. I have two different Mobius cameras running and both are loop recording without issue.
It would be interesting to see your settings. I have two different Mobius cameras running and both are loop recording without issue.

Just to stay on topic, have you tried to LOOP in Video (avi) Time Lapse mode? I would appreciate any feedback!
Just to stay on topic, have you tried to LOOP in Video (avi) Time Lapse mode? I would appreciate any feedback!

My bad. Sorry. No I haven't tried loop in time lapse.

However I personally think that if I was doing time lapse, I wouldn't want it to loop. Isn't the whole purpose of time lapse to capture a scene over an extended period? Why would you want it to loop and loss the start of your scene?
My bad. Sorry. No I haven't tried loop in time lapse.

However I personally think that if I was doing time lapse, I wouldn't want it to loop. Isn't the whole purpose of time lapse to capture a scene over an extended period? Why would you want it to loop and loss the start of your scene?

Thanks for your reply. I want to loop in Time Lapse mode because I also use one Mobius as a security camera with a 64Gb card that gives me about 8 days of footage (24H/24H recording). I don’t need to look at the footage every week, only if I suspect something. If it was looping in video time lapse mode, I wouldn’t have to delete the memory card every week. It would just loop and keep recording until I suspect something. Since it does NOT loop, it’s very annoying to delete the card every week. I even sometime forget to do so and lose a few days of recording because the card is full !!! Unless there is a solution, I wish a future firmware update would solve this issue.
Thanks for your reply. I want to loop in Time Lapse mode because I also use one Mobius as a security camera with a 64Gb card that gives me about 8 days of footage (24H/24H recording). I don’t need to look at the footage every week, only if I suspect something. If it was looping in video time lapse mode, I wouldn’t have to delete the memory card every week. It would just loop and keep recording until I suspect something. Since it does NOT loop, it’s very annoying to delete the card every week. I even sometime forget to do so and lose a few days of recording because the card is full !!! Unless there is a solution, I wish a future firmware update would solve this issue.

Hi, At time lapse interval of 0.25 it is going to give you a fps of 4 so why not just set in normal video mode and set the frame rate 5 fps ? This way you will have all the video mode facilities ie short file setting and loop back ?
Just to add ....I have removed the internal battery and installed a Tiney DC step down module with the output set at 4 volts. Now I can run off a external power source of anything between 6 and 26 volts !