Viofo A139 3CH review

Yeah, can dismount it from the mount and cut the 3 wires from the A139 for a quick steal.
It's not there to prevent theft, it is there to prevent company drivers (being accused of) deleting evidence.

Nothing mounted on the windscreen is ever going to be completely theft proof, especially if the thief steals the whole vehicle.
the type of driver that unplugs a dashcam just covers the lens if they can't disconnect it, it's a people problem, not a product problem, they complain about privacy or rights or whatever but the reality is the type of employee that does this has something to hide
just covers the lens
That has to be done before the recording is made, the bracket is more about reducing the temptation to destroy the evidence afterwards.
Of course it wont stop everyone from destroying the evidence, a bit of petrol and a match is impossible to protect against!
If they cover the lens or remove it from the mount it will be obvious they are tampering with it, the advantage of this is that they can't pull the plug or card and claim it was a dashcam failure that caused it not to record or remove the card, tamper with the evidence and then put it back
It's not there to prevent theft, it is there to prevent company drivers (being accused of) deleting evidence.

Nothing mounted on the windscreen is ever going to be completely theft proof, especially if the thief steals the whole vehicle.
I assume the idea is that this is used in conjuction with a hardwire power supply, otherwise the driver can simply unplug the 12v adapter.
I assume the idea is that this is used in conjuction with a hardwire power supply, otherwise the driver can simply unplug the 12v adapter.
Saves them having to unplug a fuse tap ;)

Reality is bad staff find a way, employers generally know already who their problem people are so it's no surprise when it happens, it's a complaint I've heard often
There is always a way to circumvent the system. A person who can find those ways is someone I'd like to hire because it shows intelligence and deep thinking. A person who would actually do such things is someone I'd fire so quickly that nobody else would even have the time to meert them and say hello.

There is no excuse for bad people and no place for them in my life. Having this kind of device for the cam simply means that you can quickly find which kind of person the driver is so you can fire them before they cause you bigger problems.

It takes away their ability to use sneaky methods to stop or lose the recording and forces them to show their true selves; there cannot be anything wrong with that (y)

I am a little against the " if you have nothing to hide, you should not mind being spied on"

But i do support a employers right to do what he want, and if that is putting cameras in his cars, then if you can not like that you should find another job.
As a matter of fact just saw a piece in the news sort about the same, a trucking company had problems,,,, like all have, with bad drivers.
So they got nice new trucks with all the modern aids in them to help the drivers, even alcohol locks,,,,,, and as it appeared also Garmin dashcams
Anyway all they had done have meant lower insurance and shop costs, and happier drivers ( i do assume some left cuz Danes are often pigheaded )

To me it dont really matter if a employer want all his people to sit down on the floor for 15 minutes every 2 hours holding hands and sing kumbaya my lord, though in that case i might be looking for another job.

In relation to my first statement, well if you are the company's elite trucker that never messed up, i see no reason to invest in such gear for his truck, cuz apparently he get it.
And i will never do what some governments do, and spy on everybody as a excuse to find the one rotten apple, in that case i would rather take my chance with that one rotten apple and keep my freedom and privacy.
CUZ that way the original purpose get corrupted, or at least is so small in relation to all the secondary information you can and will scoop up.

Like for instance here it seem like our people illegally allowed the Americans unrestricted access to our internet, and the first thing the Americans did with that was to spy on us, so they could lobby us just the right way to buy F35 fighters.
And for that breach of trust i do think the Americans should be flipped off in a big way and after we cut them off we should go back thru those cables and hit the Americans the same way, cuz you get what you give.

And for the Danes in government and intelligence with their hands in this,,,,,, heads should be rolling.
I am a little against the " if you have nothing to hide, you should not mind being spied on"
I would agree if it's just a camera faced at the employee to monitor them or whatever, the reality is employers put cameras in to protect their assets which can also protect the driver against false claims etc, 99% of staff have no issue with this, it's the 1% that whinge the loudest that you need to watch out for, those are the ones that have something to hide
I would be happier without the white text on the front.
Not the big problem, just use the problem solver I already use with my DSLR and SLR for decades.

This stingy manufacturer doesn't pay me to show their brand name. Why would I do that then? Not to mention that black camera and black lenses are much more inconspicuous.

The problem solver is called "edding", the permanent one.


When I look at how you installed it, I'm afraid that it won't work for me, because the short wiper blade is on the right side and the long one just wiped over the sensor unit that Ford installed there. Since it is quite dirty, so must be over to the other side. - For this I do not have the problem about which once one has complained in his YouTube video. Allegedly, the home button in the upper left corner of the Sync3 is inconveniently placed. I don't think so, it is exactly where it belongs, right next to the steering wheel, where my extended index finger has the shortest path. He just sits on the wrong side, that's all, he has to buy a car with a steering wheel on the right side ;-) – right side does not mean right.

How many millimeters do you need on the right to be able to move the thing for mounting?

Otherwise, one wonders why some designers have their head on the shoulders only so that it does not rain in there.

The device can also be designed so that the camera can be mounted on the housing from either side. The connectors do not belong on the dashcam, but on the mounting piece that is glued to the windshield, so that they do not have to be constantly disconnected when removing the camera, because these connectors do not like that at all.

The MicroSD can also be situated so that it is inserted from below, then it does not matter on which side and how close to any sensor units you mount the dashcam. It is completely surprising that there are cars for over a hundred years when the steering wheels are sometimes left and sometimes right, you can not adjust to it.

Of course, it is also completely unpredictable that there are already vehicles that have no space for a dashcam behind/above the mirror, because there is a twenty-millimeter block with several sensors installed, so you have to nestle next to it as slim as possible. Soon, the block will also end up in the base version, at least when the snoring legislators wake up and finally make all the safety-relevant assistance systems, which are unfortunately still on the surcharge list, generally mandatory.
Couldn't measure it but it looks like about 10mm to dismount my A139 ;) And the white text on the front of the A139 was only pre-production models, the cams you'll be able to buy will have gray text there. Much more discreet and as always nothing a black marker can't fix.

No cam fits every car equally well or even well at all. Even remote cam modules can present problems. But those modules with the A139 are very adaptable as the menu selection allows the cable to be on either side turned either front or back (y) And there's always the issue of the car design as you found with the wipers. More could be done toward a 'universal' cam design but even parts layout on the PCB have limits so you can't put things just anywhere you want without adding complexity and cost :( After having enough sd cards "grow wings and fly" I no longer remove them with the cam mounted in most cases, they are a lot easier to deal with having the cam loose, or here at the desk. So it doesn't matter to me where the card slot is as long as I can get to it with the cam removed.

Getting back to wipers, some cars can have longer blades fitted which can add a lot to cam mounting options. Some can be moved over a notch on the splined blade drive hub to reach further to one side where a cam might be placed. I've done both with my old van as I often run a cam I'm testing over in the corner. Central mounting is optimum but not necessary; the cam will still see and show what is needed to do it's job mounted to one side.

I think the future is in having all-remote cam systems with the 'head unit' being stashed elsewhere away from the glass. But there's still a place and a market for single-unit cams of the various form-factors as they still serve most people well enough :cool:

Saves them having to unplug a fuse tap ;)

Reality is bad staff find a way, employers generally know already who their problem people are so it's no surprise when it happens, it's a complaint I've heard often

Simple solution to all these complaints. If a driver disconnects the camera, you fire his ass for violating company policy.

Dash cameras are great for capturing accidents and driving habits. They will also work in cases of vehicle break-ins if the people are too stupid to notice the camera. As happened in my case when two people broke into my other car. It caught them on camera and they were oblivious to the fact they were recorded. Unfortunately, that car only had a forward and rear facing camera, and not an interior. So the snapshots are of them walking up to and around vehicle. Faces covered, but was able to capture a partial face of one of the idiots.

None the less, Dash Cameras are geared towards preventing insurance fraud, capturing accidents, and driving habits. The person who drives the car will always have the ability to disable recording.
Yes very different.
In Denmark you can get fired easy, and unions / employers meet every few years to negotiate minimum wages.
In Germany as i understand it is harder to get fired, and the state set the minimum wages.
Labor laws likely vary, not something you can just do here

I know a truck driver and his company policy is if you mess with camera or are on your cell phone, it's grounds for immediate termination. Laws vary by country. However, I would think if the laws in one's country allows for an onboard DVR, that such a policy would be able to exist.
I suppose a company anywhere can have what ever rules it want, after all no one are forced to work there if it are outrageous.
I accept the employers right to what ever crackpot ideas he / she want, if it get too weird i will just have to go elsewhere
I think we can all agree on the good old " my house, my rules "
I'm testing a modified firmware based on version 20201126.
Adjusted the contrast, changed the metering tables, corrected the brightness gamma
curve and some other parameters responsible for reducing excessive sharpness...