VIOFO A329 2CH - Testing / Review - RCG

Therein is the issue. Everyone wants something different. In my case, I have nominal interest in license plates, and more interest in the entire view as a whole. I see greater value in having a record of what is in front, left and right of the vehicle as that is more likely where I need to record.

What @viofo could do, and I certainly doubt they will do this, is to offer two firmware versions that are optimised for license plate capture and a firmware optimised for over all image quality.
Sounds a little like what Vantrue has been trying to do lately with it's PlatePix thing ..
...In my case, I have nominal interest in license plates, and more interest in the entire view as a whole. I see greater value in having a record of what is in front, left and right of the vehicle as that is more likely where I need to record....
This. In my case I have zero interest in license plates. I've been driving for longer than most members of this forum have been alive and never, repeat never, I've I ever needed the plate number of another vehicle.
This. In my case I have zero interest in license plates. I've been driving for longer than most members of this forum have been alive and never, repeat never, I've I ever needed the plate number of another vehicle.
That is not the case for everyone, I do sometimes want the plate of a speeding BMW that has overtaken in a dangerous place and forced me to take avoiding action, or a motorcyclist who has come around a corner too fast and ended up on my side of the road just as I reach the same corner. For you, the plate details might not be of any use, but I can upload them to the police website and have their license removed so that it doesn't happen again, thus saving someone's life, quite likely theirs! The police will do nothing without video showing a readable plate, with it they will take action.
I've I ever needed the plate number of another vehicle.
I was about to say DITTO; but then i remember the woman reversing into my parked car a year or 2 ago, 1 hour after parking guard timed out.
Fortunately a little old lady was at hand so i got what was mine in the end, any younger and probably would not have cared

BTW little old lady,,,,,, got flowers, CUZ that's how i roll.

But for driving ( 40 years ) no never needed a plate capture, once i did need police to do what they was supposed to do, but out on luck on that one and this was in 1988 when police was a lot better here.
So my first car got 1 M shorter, and a guy got off scot free for massive DUI

Also factoring in the massive decline in decency / society in general here, well i would prefer to have all ramparts manned by the very best people / cameras
I hope Viofo will not modify again the image settings because somebody is not satisfied with the road signs. The report about road signs affected the legibility of license plates on A229 Pro. I dont give a cent to the road signs compared to plates legibility. Unfortunately Viofo is listening such stupid reports.
Can we have both road signs, and plates be legible?
Is that not possible?
I want to see everything, am I being greedy?
Can we have both road signs, and plates be legible?
Is that not possible?
I want to see everything, am I being greedy?
I thought it might require new HDR tech.

We talked about the clear HDR before, and some users asked us required this, recently I pushed Sony and Novatek to do some cooperation to implement this.
Unfortunately, it is the same as I talked about before, the CLEAR HDR is worse for license capture plates.

Last week I had a meeting with Sony Japan tech team, and they introduced new HDR solution, it seems good, and maybe we can see better HDR tech in 2026. :)
I thought it might require new HDR tech.

We talked about the clear HDR before, and some users asked us required this, recently I pushed Sony and Novatek to do some cooperation to implement this.
Unfortunately, it is the same as I talked about before, the CLEAR HDR is worse for license capture plates.

Last week I had a meeting with Sony Japan tech team, and they introduced new HDR solution, it seems good, and maybe we can see better HDR tech in 2026. :)
Starvis 3? :D
Images 7 and 8, rear camera. Which image most accurately reflects the lighting in the overpass? Can you post the front camera images for the same overpass shots?

Thank you for the effort you put into these reviews and evaluations.
The A229 Pro rear camera has the "most accurate" color representation of the overpass area.

Here are the front camera frame grabs while traveling in the opposite direction at 26 MPH:
