Viofo pre-production A119 Video samples (truck)

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many
I'll park some video samples and screen shots in this thread.
At some point this weekend I may have bandwidth and time to upload raw video to a site other than youtube, but this will have to do for now. :)

I came across this Honda Element yesterday on I-24. The driver was 15 mph under the speed limit, wobbling in the right lane. I pretty much knew what to expect to see when I passed her.
(A119 and Mobius C)

She had a big smile on her face as she texted away with both hands on the smartphone. The smile may not show up in the video.
text1.JPG text2.JPG
A119 first, Mobius C second.

Heres a few minutes of video from a back road in the North Georgia hills, including a nice switchback.

Same blue tones as the other posters but other than that looks good. What resolution/frame rate was that?
1920x1080p/ 30fps

If the 'blue' thing is sorted, this is a worthy upgrade to the B40.
Here's the magnetic 'ball' mount I'm using, temporarily. I think it was $7 on Amazon.


The mounting base is stuck to the modified B40 mounting plate.


Here's the magnetic 'ball' mount I'm using, temporarily. I think it was $7 on Amazon.
Interesting concept. How solidly does it hold the camera? Would it be suitable for a 'brick on a stick' type camera?
I'm not sure how long the magnetic properties will last, and I was a little concerned about possible minute vibration? I don't see any major downsides at this point.
It does hold the A119 pretty firmly, but it's easy to remove, replace.
One downside is it's easy to bump it out of aim, like when I'm messing with the other cam next to it.

I'm not sure I'd risk heavier than a mobius, B40, etc.

Amazon has many of this type of mounts with varying prices.

I see them for sale in some of the truck stops for $20-30. No way in hades will I pay that much. :)
I tweaked the first video ... ( Sorry )

In that video the mobius seems to be a bit clearer, more in focus when viewing the road sign.
What is the advantage of that magnetic support?
No major advantage to the magnetic mount, except the sample cameras were shipped without a mount. The mount was sent separately, and didn't arrive before I left home for a month.
I put a third cam in the windshield today, an Ausdom A261.

This Mercedes passed me in Memphis, and I noticed the driver texting.
You can barely see the cell phone in his right hand in the first screenshot, the A261.


The second is from the A119


and the last from the Mobius C


Not a very scientific comparison, but I was curious what showed up on the various cams, which are mounted at about the same height in a one foot section of the center of the windshield.
Which of those 3 do you think most accurately captures the true colors of that day?
Very nice. I think the A261 seems yellow, too much blue on A119, Mobius (IMO) is best. Any night shot?
Which of those 3 do you think most accurately captures the true colors of that day?

It's hard to say if the A261 or Mobius is more accurate. I always like the overall video of the A261. I usually have a mobius up as a secondary camera because they are reliable. Switched from a A to a C since I was trying another camera that sucked at night, and the C does well at night. Dammit. Don't make me have 4 cameras in the windshield. :) (Looking to see where I'd put it, power it, now.)

I think once they fix the 'blue' issue, the A119 is going to do very well in this price range.



Mobius C

Here's another a119 screenshot from 'not quite full darkness'

I can see why you like the A261, that is good, although I'm not a fan of that form factor. Probably not an issue on a truck but in a car I don't like that hang down style. In those shots I would say that the A119 is better than the mobius.
The blue on a119 seems to go well at night. Any a261 or mobius to compare?
I think the blue problem on the A119 will be sorted before it goes on sale. Hard to really judge the night video at this point. Along with being a little annoying and 'inaccurate', I think the blue degrades the night and dusk/dawn video too much at this point. (But this is a pre-production sample)

CDN, I like the smaller cams, also. The A119 is probably more discrete using the OEM mount, maybe a footprint a little larger than the A118.
Fingers crossed for a firmware update ...
Yes, I hope a firmware upgrade solves this. Otherwise, the A119 has been reliable in the 30 hours or so of use in the truck.
One thing I've noticed, it seems to handle the starting process of the truck better than the Mobius, meaning, I've not had to manually start the cam. I'm so used to checking the mobius after starting the truck, and occasionally just unplug it briefly to manually start recording.
The A119 seems to have a longer delay and start up process. In this time period I've had to manually start the mobius 3-4 times, the A119 not at all.

Here's some 'parked' night video. I almost hate to post any more from this cam until we see a firmware upgrade.

The blue reflection in the video is a battery charger I had on the dash.